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It depends what you mean by "normal". If it is not the Holy Spirit then there is none.

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Q: What is the difference between normal and demonic spirit?
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She is normal in the beginning, but she gets possessed by a demonic spirit which turns her evil

How do you tell the difference between an earthbound spirit and a demonic entity?

An Earthbound Spirit is the spirit of a person who has died and is stuck in on earth due to unfinished business or they are clinging to something and don't want to let go. A Demonic Entity is a spirit of someone who has died that was killed and is seeking revenge. That is one thing a Demonic entity can be. It can also be something that was summoned by someone to take revenge on someone else. Usually when this happens you have to make a deal with it or make a pact with the Devil. Usually its your Soul that your bargaining with. So in summary a Demonic Entity is something that is pure evil and is out to seek revenge or to create chaos.

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Can a spirit kill you. If it is mad that it will take action then yes. If you do what it wants then no problem and you go on living a normal life.

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During an exorcism it is believed that a demonic spirit is inhabiting the host, and the exorcist removes the demonic spirit through prayers, blessings, and invocations.

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There is no difference.

How do you make red spirit for transformice?

If you press the space bar, the spirit will turn pink. However, it has no difference compared to a normal spirit.

You can you help others to get the Holy Spirit?

we can pass the holy spirit to others , there is difference between spirit passing and anointing a person.

How do you know if its a spirit?

You see first of all you must be spirit concious for you to tell the difference between the two

What would happen if a spirit or demon possesed the body of a bodybuilder?

The bodybuilder becomes demonic or spiritual.

Can you Describe the difference between filling of the spirit and the baptism of the spirit?

Once we are babtised the spirit will fill us. But the level of the spirit in each person isaccording to the amount of faith he has in god.

Why do they call Liquour Spirits?

This comes from a medieval superstition that explained the effects of alcohol as demonic/spirit activity.

What is the difference between being baptized with the holy spirit and filled with the holy spirit?

Nothing more than christianic doctrine ideologies and christianic theories. You'll always need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.