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Q: What is the difference between orbit and revolve?
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Does Saturn revolve while in orbit?

No Saturn does not revolve while in a orbit

What is the difference between rotation and revolution with regard to the solar system?

Revolution is the time a planet takes to revolve around itself. Rotation is the time a planet takes to orbit the Sun.

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What is it called to revolve around something?

The word "revolve" is just fine. The word "orbit" is also used in this context.

What is the difference between shell and orbit?

shell and orbit are same

What is exact definition of orbit?

the exact definition of orbit is to revolve around, or move in an orbit

How many days sun take to revolve in its orbit?

Somewhere between 200 and 250 million years.

Can't the earth revolve out of orbit?

no the earth can not revolve out of the orbit because the orbit is a definite path way in whichy a planet revolve like our earth if thay donot do this thay may attampt a serious strook with the astroids moving in space.

What is the path of the planet as it rotate and revolve?

Actually,as the planet Revolve and Rotate the path is an orbit....^_^

What is something to move in a circle or a orbit?


The satellites of Uranus revolve around the planet in planes almost what to its orbit?

The satellites of Uranus revolve around the planet in planes almost perpendicular to its orbit.

What words is a synonym for the word orbit?

two synonyms for the word orbit are encircle and revolve