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Conventional banana production involves the use of chemicals. Synthetic fertilizers are used to encourage quick growth and high yields. Chemicals are used to control disease, insects, and pests. Organic banana production follows a natural growing program. Such a program can be known as Integrated pest management, or as Plant health care. Either way, the emphasis is on biological, cultural and mechanical methods. An example of a biological method would be control of pests by way of their natural enemies. These natural enemies can be such beneficial insects as lacewings, ladybug beetles, and praying mantids. An example of a cultural method would be use of mineral and natural fertilizers to improve soil structure, and therefore soil fertility and plant growth. An example of a mechanical method would be swatting or trapping a pest. Both conventional and organic bananas are shipped green. But conventionals are treated chemically, to encourage ripening. In contrast, organics are shipped in plastic, to hasten yellowing.

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Q: What is the difference between organic and conventional bananas?
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Organic food doesn't mean natural, but they are minimally processed and also preservative free. It is very essential for you to know that all natural foods are not organic, only certain natural foods that are labeled as organic are considered to be organic. These simple points can help you to differentiate organic and natural food. * Unlike conventional food, these foods are grown without using any chemical fertilizers and by just adding manure to feed plants. * Conventional farmers use pesticides to kill the pests and insecticides in their farms, where as in organic farming the insects or pests are killed by simple methods of trapping. * In an organic feed, animals are fed with balanced diet and rotational gazing to minimize the risk of diseases in them whereas in conventional animal nurture, they are treated with medicines in order to prevent the risk of infections and diseases.