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Oxide is a monatomic (single-atom) ion consisting of an oxygen atom with a 2- charge (O2-). An oxide can also be just about any compound that contains oxygen in the 2- oxidation state.

Oxalate is a polyatomic (multiple atom) ion consisting of 2 carbon atoms and 4 oxygen atoms, also having a total charge of 2- (C2O42-). It is derived from oxalic acid, H2C2O4.

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Q: What is the difference between oxide and oxate?
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What is the difference between red iron oxide and black iron oxide?

the black iron oxide has reacted with carbon and other impurities

What is the difference between calcareous ooze and siliceous ooze?

Calcareous ooze is composed of calcium carbonate, while siliceous ooze is made from silicon oxide.

What is the ionic character of barium oxide?

Barium oxide has predominantly ionic character due to the large electronegativity difference between barium and oxygen. This results in the transfer of electrons from barium to oxygen, creating ionic bonds in the compound.

What is the reaction between iron metal and oxygen gas making solid iron oxide?

the reaction between iron metal and oxygen gas making solid iron oxide

What a difference between dry and wet oxidation?

Dry oxidation has a lower growth rate than wet oxidation although the oxide film quality is better than the wet oxide film. Therefore thin oxides such as screen oxide, pad oxide, and especially gate oxide normally use the dry oxidation process. Dry oxidation also results in a higher density oxide than that achieved by wet oxide and so it has a higher breakdown voltageIn case of wet oxidation where water is use instead of oxygen, the water molecule can dissociate at high temperatures to form hydroxide OH that can diffuse in the silicon faster than molecular O2. Therefore the wet oxidation process has a significantly higher oxidation rate than the dry oxidation. It is used to grow thick oxides such as masking oxide, blanket field oxide, and the LOCOS oxide.

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The difference is magnesium oxide contains oxide ions ,whereas aluminium oxide doesn't.

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metal and metallic are the same thing arent they??

What is the difference between red iron oxide and black iron oxide?

the black iron oxide has reacted with carbon and other impurities

What is the difference between oxide and peroxide?

Oxides are compounds that contain oxygen and another element, whereas peroxides are a specific type of oxide that contain the O2^2- ion. Peroxides have an extra oxygen atom compared to regular oxides, which gives them distinct chemical properties.

What is the difference between nitrous oxide and halothane in relation to blood solubility?

nitrous oxide : lower solubility halothane : higher solubility

Is Iron (III) oxide molecular or ionic?

No. Iron III oxide is an ionic compound. This is due to the large difference in electronegativity between oxygen and iron. If the electronegativity difference is greater than 2.0 a compound is generally ionic. The difference between iron and oxygen is 2.61.

Is iron III oxide a molecular compound why?

No, iron III oxide is not a molecular compound. It is an ionic compound formed by the ionic bond between iron and oxygen atoms. In iron III oxide, iron is present in the 3+ oxidation state, while oxygen is present in the 2- oxidation state.

Is iron(III) oxide a molecular compound or ionic?

No. Iron III oxide is an ionic compound. This is due to the large difference in electronegativity between oxygen and iron. If the electronegativity difference is greater than 2.0 a compound is generally ionic. The difference between iron and oxygen is 2.61.

What is the difference between hydroxide and oxide proerties?

Hydroxides contain the hydroxide ion (OH-) and are basic compounds, while oxides contain oxygen ions and can be basic, acidic, or amphoteric. Hydroxides typically dissolve in water to form alkaline solutions, while oxides can react with acids to form salts and water. In terms of reactivity, hydroxides tend to be more reactive towards acids compared to oxides.

Difference between magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide?

Magnesium oxide is formed by burning magnesium in the presence of oxygen, while magnesium hydroxide is formed by reacting magnesium oxide with water. Magnesium oxide is more commonly used as a supplement for magnesium deficiency, while magnesium hydroxide is often used as an antacid or laxative due to its ability to neutralize stomach acid and promote bowel movements.

What is the difference between 2MgO and MgO?

2MgO represents two units of magnesium oxide, while MgO represents one unit of magnesium oxide. Therefore, the difference lies in the quantity of magnesium oxide present in each compound.

Is there such a thing as phosphorus Oxate?

There is no compound called phosphorus oxate. It is possible you are referring to phosphorus pentoxide (P4O10) or some other phosphorus compound. Can you provide more context or specific details about what you are looking for?