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Q: What is the difference between pesticide and biological pest control?
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Can an organic farmer use Bt?

Yes. BT is a biological control, and not a pesticide. I use it on cabbage and tomatoes.

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What is a mycoinsecticide?

An environmental alternative to the current chemical insecticides used on the market. This biological pesticide uses a fungus to control insect pests.

What is biological control of insects?

Biological control is controlling insect populations not with pesticide, but with their natural enemies, like ladybugs in the case of aphids. This kills only the pests, and no other species. There's also no risk of the pest becoming resistant!

What is the difference between pesticide and insecticide?

Insecticides target insects and their larvae whereas pesticides are designed to eliminate the harm done to crops by such pests as mice , birds or fish . See related links below to additional information regarding insecticides and pesticides .

What is the difference between a control variable and a control treatment?

A control variable is a factor that is held constant in an experiment to prevent it from influencing the outcome. A control treatment, on the other hand, is a specific group or condition in an experiment that receives no experimental manipulation and is used as a baseline for comparison with the treatment groups.

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What is the difference between mechanical and biological method of controlling weeds?

Mechanical means using machinery whereas biological means using another form of life to control the weed. Biological way is Eco-friendly. Go Bio whenever possible!

Is pest control product a pesticide?

Yes and no. A pest control can be a pesticide, but there are also "home remedy" methods that can be used.

Difrentiate between chemical cultural and biological pest control?

In biological pest control the pests are killed with a living organism whilst in chemical cultural pest control a chemical is used.

What is the major difference between control process and process control?

Difference between control process and process control is that system control process is typically the large scale version of where process control is used.