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plagiarism is when you use information or words from someone else but claim they are your words or give no recognition to whoever said them where citation is the way you tell your reader that certain material in your work came form another author or another source or simply giving credit to the original author

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4mo ago

Plagiarism is using someone else's work without giving proper credit, while citation is acknowledging the source of information used in your own work. Plagiarism is unethical and can lead to academic or professional consequences, while proper citation is a way to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism.

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12y ago

When you are paraphrasing from a body of work you are condensing subject matter. When you are citing from a body of work you draw on specifics from that subject matter.

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Q: What is the difference between plagiarism and the citation?
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How many tpyes of plagiarism are there?

There are several types of plagiarism, including direct plagiarism (copying someone else's work without citation), mosaic plagiarism (paraphrasing someone else's work without citation), self-plagiarism (submitting one's own previously published work as new), and accidental plagiarism (unintentionally failing to cite sources).

What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright?

I assume you are asking the difference between plagiarism & copyright infringement. While both are essentially the use of someone elses work without permission, the most significant difference is that plagiarism also involves claiming that material as your own work.

What other resources that could help prevent plagiarism?

Other resources that could help prevent plagiarism include plagiarism detection software, citation tools to properly reference sources, education on academic integrity and citation styles, and assignment design that emphasizes critical thinking and originality. Additionally, fostering a culture of academic honesty and providing clear guidelines on proper citation and attribution can also help prevent plagiarism.

What is the difference between global plagiarism and patchwork plagiarism?

Global plagiarism involves copying an entire work without giving credit to the original author, while patchwork plagiarism involves combining ideas and phrases from various sources without proper citation. In global plagiarism, the entire work is copied verbatim, whereas in patchwork plagiarism, small portions from different sources are used without proper attribution.

Who is exempt from concerns about plagiarism?

No one is exempt from concerns about plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious ethical issue that affects all individuals, regardless of their background or profession. Proper citation and acknowledgment of sources are necessary to avoid plagiarism.

An example of plagiarism is?

copying large sections of text without proper citation

Is it true As long as you use parenthetical citation in your paper you cannot be guilty of plagiarism?

As long as you give credit where it is due, you cannot be guilty of plagiarism.

Is incorrect citation plagiarism?

Incorrect citation is a form of plagiarism because it misleads readers by attributing information to the wrong source. It is important to always provide accurate citations to give proper credit to the original authors and to maintain academic integrity.

Why you use citation?

Making citations is an art itself, because there are proper formats for the job. People use citation to avoid plagiarism, as an indicator to who and what the reference entails.

What is the difference between plagiarism and honesty?

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit, while honesty is being truthful and transparent in one's actions and communications. Plagiarism involves deceit and intellectual theft, whereas honesty involves integrity and ethical behavior.

What the difference between adaptation and adapting?

the difference between adaptation and plagiarism is: adaptation is delivering or executing something that is done in a new form where plagiarism means using or stealing someones idea without discretion in a literal way of writing, using or producing and presented as your own.

Is summarizing notes considered plagiarism?

No, summarizing notes is not considered plagiarism as long as you rephrase the information in your own words and provide proper citation if needed. Plagiarism would occur if you directly copy someone else's work without giving credit.