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Stars give off light whereas planets reflect light.

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Q: What is the difference between planets and stars in the night sky?
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Can planets generate nuclear fusion?

No. That's precisely the main difference between planets and stars - that stars can have nuclear fusion, planets not.

How are planets different than stars in the night sky?

the difference is that stars are much bigger in size than a planet

Difference between solar system and constellation?

The Solar system is the collection of planets orbiting around the sun(sol). A constellation is a collect/pattern of stars seen in the night sky.

Why can you see planets and stars on a night?

The reason you can see planets and stars at night is that their light is faint and the brightness of the sun obscures them during the day. At night, when the sun is not visible, the fainter light from the planets and stars can more readily be seen.

Ehat is the difference between stars and planets?

if you think its short then its short.if you think its big then its big.

What is the difference between asterism and constellations?

This is a very good question - the difference between an asterism and constellation is this: a constellation is a pattern of stars that identifies a complete object, animal or character. An asterism is a pattern of stars that is NOT a constellation.

What is visible at night from the earth?

the stars and some of our planets

What is the difference between a star system and a galaxy?

A galaxy contains planets and a star system contains only stars.

What is the difference between moon rocks and meteorites?

Moons always orbit planets unlike meteorites which orbit stars.

Do any of the stars you can see have planets around them?

Yes. To date scientists have discovered well over a thousand planets orbiting other stars. It is believe that a large portion of the stars in the night sky have planets.

How is the sun different from the stars in the night sky?

The main difference between the sun and other stars is that the sun is much closer to us.

How do you distinguish between a star and a planet?

Stars in the night sky appear fixed, since they are much further away than planets. The planets can be identified through their apparent brightness and their movement among the background stars over time.