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propulsion is when air pushes an airplane

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Q: What is the difference between propulsion and thrust?
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What is the difference between thrust and pressure-?

what is the difference between thrust and pressure?

What is the difference between a jet plane and a propeller?

A jet plane uses a jet engine's thrust for propulsion. A propeller is a set of blades somewhat like a big fan that blows air to the back of the plane for thrust instead of using a jet engine for the thrust to move the plane forward.

What is thrust in airplanes?

The propulsion provided by the engines.

What is a synonym and antonym of propulsion?

Some synonyms for propulsion are drive, energy, momentum, power, speed, or thrust. Propulsion is a noun, there is no antonym except 'no propulsion'.

What is a thrust for the jet engines?

The forward propulsion of an aircraft is called thrust.The thrust is given by the engines.

What is propulsion force of a rocket?

Liquid Oxygen which creates THRUST

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What is the difference between a barge and a freighter?

The main difference is that a barge usually does not have its own means of propulsion

What is the difference between thrust and weight?

force applies perpendicularly is called thrust force which earths exerts on objests is weight

How is thrust different from force?

there is not much difference between thrust anf force...its just that thrust is the force acting perpendiclular to the surface thrust will always be either equal or greater than force.

What must a propulsion system be in contact with in order to create thrust?

Jesus. Or in this case, a fluid such as air.

What is a magnetohydrodynamic drive?

an electric propulsion system, such as for ships, that uses powerful magnets to produce thrust