

What is the difference between public and private laws?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Public Law. Disputes between citizens or involving companies

Private Law. Disputes between citizen and the state

Alternate answer: public law is made by government and applies to all (the public) and is enforced by government.

Private law is established by private parties in contracts and company policies. Those private rules establish the enforcement mechanism: arbitration, tribunal, grievance, mediation, or lawsuit. No government involvement, except as a forum where private parties resolve disputes.

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Addie Douglas

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2y ago
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13y ago

Public Law. Disputes between citizens or involving companies

Private Law. Disputes between citizen and the state

Alternate answer: public law is made by government and applies to all (the public) and is enforced by government.

Private law is established by private parties in contracts and company policies. Those private rules establish the enforcement mechanism: arbitration, tribunal, grievance, mediation, or lawsuit. No government involvement, except as a forum where private parties resolve disputes.

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13y ago

(in the US) There is no such thing as "private laws." You may be referring to rules, regulations, guidelines, standard operating procedures, etc., which guide and govern the operations and employees of private companies or other private entities, and to whom the employer (or regulator) can apply sanctions by virtue of the employer/employee status, but they do not apply to anyone outside that particular narrow sphere.

Whereas, "public" laws are passed by democratic process by the legislature of the governed, and apply to ALL citizens equally.

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9y ago

In an open and free democratic society there are no private laws. Within a public or private organization however, there may be restrictions on smoking, work hours ( based on law, however ) or organizations that set guidelines on proper dress ( such as no tank tops in an office job )These are just a few samples of typical regulations within an organization.

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