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Cat oldCat = new Cat(); Cat newCat = new Cat(); Cat oldCatRef = oldCat;

In the above example, oldCat and oldCatRef are references to the same object. Since they refer to the same object, their hashcodes will be equal.

But oldCat and newCat do not refer to the same object. They are references to two different objects. But they might have the same hashCode based on their implementation. hashCode is simply a method in Object class which you can override.

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Q: What is the difference between reference and hash code in java?
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Hashing is performed on arbitrary data by a hash function. A hash function is any function that can convert data to either a number or an alphanumeric code. There are possibly as many types of hashing as there are data. How precisely the hash function works depends on what data it is meant to generate a hash code from. Hashing is used for a variety of things. For example, a hash table is a data structure used for storing data in memory. Instead of iterating through the structure to find a specific item, we associate a key (hash code) to a particular item (data). A hash code can be generated from a file or disk image. If the data does not match the code, then the data is assumed to be corrupted. Hashing has the advantage of taking a larger amount of data and representing it as a smaller amount of data (hash code). The code generated is unique to the data it came from. Generating a hash code can take time however, depending on the function and the data. Some hash functions include Bernstein hash, Fowler-Noll-Vo hash, Jenkins hash, MurmurHash, Pearson hashing and Zobrist hashing.

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Does hash harm brain?

Yes ! It is exactly like thc although it can be smoked in different ways such as on a skillet burner with a torch lighter and one may ask what's the difference between smoking hash that way and smoking just regular weed through a pipe or bong...big difference hash is alot more potent and kills about 10x as much brain cells...enjoy !

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