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A regular option increases it's payoff the more the underlying passes the strike point.

A binary option pays off a fixed amount based on whether the strike point was passed or pays nothing if it wasn't.

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Q: What is the difference between regular options and binary options?
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Relationship between a regular call option and a binary call option?

While the CALL options remain the same for both regular and binary options, the difference being that with binary options you don't actually own the asset you are trading on. It is based on mere speculation of the market movements.

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Regular call options have limited risk and unlimited upside gains while binary call options have limited risk along with limited upside gain.

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In BCD each digit of a decimal number is coded as a separate 4 bit binary number between 0 and 9.For example:Decimal 12 in BCD is shown as 0001 0010 (Binary 1 and Binary 2), in Binary it is 1100.

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What is meant by binary trading?

"Binary Trading" = "Binary Options Trading""Binary trading" is most likely referring to binary options trading - a form of investing in which you are placing you money into an agreement that will yield you 1-of-2 outcomes, either that you loose the entire amount invested, or gain a substantial return of about 60% to 85% return. Why would anyone trade binary options?The binary options trading cycle is around 15 to 30 minutes so someone who doesn't know what they are doing can loose their money very quickly, and someone that understand it can ear a significant return over the period of a day. Why its called "binary"It is called "binary" because you have only two possible outcomes. Unlike regular investments where the amount the stock, currency or commodity goes up or down will determine how much of a profit you will earn, binary options offer the possibility of either loosing the full amount, or nearly doubling it, simply by knowing the trend of the market. Where can I learn more info on binary options trading?One good place to start is to read the Wikipedia links on the following topics: check out Wikipedia for Binary OptionsCheck out wikipedia for Black-ScholesOptionsClick dot com to see what a binary options trading website looks to check out a few binary options trading sites that are compared.

What is a difference between binary tree and binary?

I think a binary tree is a thing to help you search whereas binary is 100100101010, that thing that computers use...I think the difference is that a binary tree helps you search but binary is the thing that computers use:10010101001010 The term binary refers to the idea that there are "2" options. In terms of computers at a low level, this refers to 1's and 0's (high voltage and low voltage). A binary tree is a completely different concept. It is a type of data structure with a parent node that branches down into 2 child nodes at each level. If implemented as a binary *search* tree it is pretty efficient at searching data sets that are ordered (O(log n))