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Using my observations of christians as a guide, in a religious life you imagine there is always someone peering over your shoulder tsking at your errors and making marks for and against you in some sort of record book. Every good thought is from this super being and your own shortcomings provide the bad. The only thing that stops you from doing bad things is the fear of being punished forever. The only reson to do good is to gain attaboy points in eternity. You feel superior to everyone that doesn't buy into your opinions of how the universe is set up.

In a non-religious life you make your own decisions, take responsibility for your good and bad deeds and expect no reward or punishment for how you have run your life.

Answer 2.

Actually, Christians do not believe there is someone peering over their shoulder tsking at their every wrong move. And they do not think they're being kept record of either. Yes, they believe eventually that they will be judged, but they also believe everyone else will too. And they believe that just doing one thing, accepting Christ as their savior will save them. Also, they don't only do good things in fear of punishment, they do good things because they're the right thing to do. I don't know where you got your ideas from, but you're very wrong.

And that didn't even answer the question at all.

The difference between a religious life and a nonreligious one is simply, people who are religious believe that some sort of God is the creator and has provided them with everything they need. They believe he will protect them and things like that as long as they serve him.

In a nonreligious life, people just believe that they get everything themselves and that they are the reason for success.

'''''Religious'''''- sometimes it is strict and harsh, fire and brimstone. some give people something to hold on to, sometimes it is an easier life with less worries, you let god take the lead and just follow already laid rules. ''(for me it was an unhappy life, I liked facts too much to lay down and believe everything)''

'''''Non-religious'''''- it gives people freedom, they make their own choices without thinking "dear god, i might go to hell!!!" that can give you ulcers.... you take lead of your life and make life as you want it without worry. you can trust in science and not have people in church give you dirty looks if you are learning evolution in school and believe it. ''(life is good.....)''

They both can be carefree, it just depends on your personality type. I have noticed the submissive in life tend to be very religious and leave it to god (they may not look or act submissive, but toward god they are), and the more dominant tend to be less religious and challenge the world. This is just an '''observation''', not a fact, take it as so please.

Oh, all i have ever seen is that people do things because god says so. an old friend of mine and her huge church groups all believed that you should do what god says no matter how you feel about it.... :/ of course, she interprets The Bible like women are on earth to serve men "cuz god says so" and my boyfriends father's "common sense" talks to god and does things "cuz he says so"

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