

Best Answer
  • Accuract is how accurate you are at somehting and rreproducibility is how reproducibility you are at something.
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Aurelie Renner

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Q: What is the difference between reproducibility and accuracy?
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Which term is used to describe the reproducibility of a measurement?


What is the difference between accuracy and uncertainty?

accuracy is when you KNOW something and uncertancy is when your not sure

What is the difference between Quality and Accuracy?

accuracy is the how well it is done. Quality is what something is worth.

what is the difference between accuracy and precision?

''Accuracy is the degree of closeness to true value. Precision is the degree to which an instrument or process will repeat the same value. In other words, accuracy is the degree of veracity while precision is the degree of reproducibility.

What is the difference between accuracy and fixed width?

accuracy width can be changed but fixed width is a permanent one.

What is concerned with the reproducibility of measurements?

The term repeatability is usd for an experiment realized by a single person.Reproductibility is used for an experiment realized by two or more persons.

The ability to make a measurement that is as close to an actual value is called a...?

The closeness to the actual value is called the accuracy. The reproducibility of the measurement is call the precision.

What is the difference between the accuracy of measurements and the precision of measurements?

Precision is how close your measurements are. Accuracy is how close your measurements are to the actual measurement.

What is accuracy and precision and the difference between them?

The term accuracy describes how far your observation/measurement is from the correct result. Precision describes how repeatable your results are, regardless of their accuracy..

What is the difference between electronic and mechanical?

An electronic stopwatch gives a higher accuracy than a mechanical stop watch.

What is the difference between percentage error and percentage accuracy?

percentage error is the difference from the actual value divided by actual value in 100,whereas subtracting the same value from one give u the percentage accuracy

What does the reproducibility of data refer to?

the reproducibility refers to how close a group of measurements are to each other