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Q: What is the difference between resilience and elasticity?
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The difference of elasticity and flexibility?

There is a difference between elasticity and flexibility. Elasticity is the ability to stretch and flexibility is the ability to bend.

What are synonyms for elasticity?

Synonyms of elasticity are: stretchiness flexibility malleability plasticity fluidity resilience pliancy tractability

What is the difference between perfect elasticity?

That's not correct English.

What the difference between resilience and toughness?

The difference is dobby the elf who made babies with a trout.

What is the convenient unit of resilience?

You mean the moduli of elasticity. That is pascal or N/m2

The organic substance of bone gives it its?

high resilience and elasticity of bones.

What the difference between resilience and toughness in metal forming?

read from engineering material

What is another word for Elasticity?

Other words that could be used are stretchiness, springiness, resilience, bounce.

What is the difference between elasticity and inelasticity of demand?

Inelasticity is a good that you will buy nomatter the price change. Elasticity is when the price of a product increases demand for the product will decrease.

What is the synonym of resilience?

elasticity, flexibility, pliancy, adaptability, adjustability, malleability, plasticity, rubberiness, springiness, suppleness

What is the difference that exists between arc elasticity of demand and point elasticity of demand?

Arch elasticity demand is the percentage change in one variable divided by the percentage change in another variable, it calculates the elasticity over a range of values, while point elasticity of demand uses differential calculus to determine the elasticity at a specific point

Difference between arc and point elasticity?

1) Point elasticity is measured by the ratio of the lower segment of the curve below the given point to uppa segment the super part of the curve above the point. 2) Arc elasticity is measured by the use of mid point between the old & the new figures in the case of both prine and qualitiy demonded.