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Netincomegenerally represents the company's profit after all expenses, including financial expenses, have been paid. This number is often called the "bottom line" and is generally the figure people refer to when they use the word "profit" or "earnings."

Retainedearningsrepresent the total profits the company has earned since it began, minus whatever has been paid to shareholders as dividends. Since this is a cumulative number, if a company has lost money over time, retainedearningscan be negative and would be renamed "accumulated deficit."
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Q: What is the difference between retained earnings and net income?
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Is retained earnings an asset?

No, retained earnings comes after Net Income on the Income Statement. The retained earnings is less than the Net Income if a dividend is paid out.

Will a net income of 95000 increase or decrease retained earnings?

Since increases in retained earnings mostly come from income accumulation, a net income of $95,000 will increase retained earnings.

What is the difference between income and earnings?

there is no difference.

Does net income for the period equal retained earnings for the same period?

If company has the policy to not distribute profit as a dividend then retained earnings will be equal to net income otherwise dividend and retained earnings will be equal to net income.

The ratio percentage of earnings retained is the same as that termed?

This year's retained earnings to net income.

Retained earnings at the end of the period is equal to?

beginning retained earnings +net income+dividends

What is another name for retained earnings?

A common name for net income kept is "retained earnings."

Do Dividends effect retained earnings?

Yes, dividends will have an impact on the retained earnings. It is important to note that dividends are considered to be a distribution of income and do not appear on the income statement. They will however be reduction in retained earnings on the statement of retained earnings or statement of changes in shareholders' equity (IFRS).

Retained earnings appear on the income statement?

No. Retained Earnings appears in the Equity section of the Balance Sheet.

Are retained earning increased by net income?

Yes retained earnings are part of net income so in nex fiscal year when more net income arrives it increases the retained earnings as well.

How do you calculate retained earningdefinitionformula?

Definition: Retained earnings is that part of net income which is not available to distribute to shareholders in the form of dividend. Formula: Retained earnings = net income - dividend