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Rising action is the part of the story which lead to the climax. It's the development of the story.

Falling action is the part of the story when things are settling down at the movie/book/novel/etc. is coming to an end. It takes place after the climax.

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12y ago

If we're talking about the same thing (an upward-pointing angle thing that has the climax as the point), then the rising action is the upward slope between the conflict and climax, and the falling action is the downward slope between the climax and conclusion.

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10y ago

Rising Action, also called the Development, develops the plot and the characters based on what happens in the Inciting Incident. The Falling Action or Crisis develops the plot and characters in relation to a change in the course of the plot sometimes called the Reversal, sometimes referred to as the Technical Climax.

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12y ago

the rising action is what takes you to the climax of the story and the falling actions is what is after the climax.

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Do you mean the sequential order in which all plots are created?: Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution

What does rising action mean'?

Rising Action is the Action leading up to the Climax of a plot. Think of a plot as a hill. The Rising Action leads up to the top of the hill [the Climax] and then the plot continues with the falling action.Here's an Better Explanation with Examples from the narrative of a work of fiction, rising action is what occurs leading up to the climax. The rising action's purpose is usually to build suspense all the way up the climactic finish. The rising action should not be confused with the middle of the story, but is the action right before the climax. For example: In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry must go through a set of tasks to reach where the sorcerer's stone is hidden where he will have the final battle. These are the actions leading up to the climax where Harry must face the thief who is trying to get the stone.Another example is: In the novel, I, Robot, Susan Calvin falls in love with a man named Peter Bogert. The rising action in this circumstance is when she asks a mind-reading robot if he is in love with her, and it says yes. In Romeo and Juliet, the rising action are all the events that lead up to the death of Tybalt.The material beyond the climax is known as the falling action.When you go to you will see a plot line chart when you look up: falling action which is the exact opposite and maybe even when looking up rising action.

What do we mean by falling action?

It is the part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved. I may give you an example of the falling action of "Romeo and Juliet". It begins following rising action and climax which is reached when the lovers are killed. Then the parents and Prince discover the bodies of two lovers, and they agree to put aside their animosity in the best interest of peace.

What is the rising action of the book The Sliver Chair?

I believe you mean, The Silver Chair. The prince of Narnia goes missing, and the Narnian kids must fid him and save him.

What does the rising action and falling action and climax and exposition and resolution mean?

Exposition is the background information or setting of the story. Rising action is the series of events leading to the climax, where the story's tension reaches a peak. Climax is the turning point where the conflict is at its most intense. Falling action follows the climax and leads to the resolution, where the story's conflicts are resolved.

What does a rising action of a story mean?

Rising action event is a series of events that take place in a story leading up to the climax. It is a way to build suspense and anticipation in a story and to build up to the main conflict. The rising action event is often the most exciting part of the story as it builds up to the climax. The rising action event is the part of the story that starts after the introduction and before the climax. It involves a series of events that slowly raise the tension and suspense for the reader. The rising action event is the part of the story that leads up to the climax where the conflict of the story is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story as it builds up to the climax.

What is the rising action in The Hunger Games?

The Rising action in the story "The Tale OfDespereaux" is that Despereaux is not suppost to talk to humans or else he would get in trouble. Another problem (rising action) is that Despereaux acts different than the rest of his mouse family.

What does the word glissando mean?

Glissando is a musical term. It means a rapid sequence of rising or falling notes.