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a robot is a fully metal machine that is programed to do something with a purpose. Robotic however has metallic properties.

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Q: What is the difference between robot and robotic?
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Is prom night by rebecca black a robot song?

To be honest, Rebecca Black's hit "Prom Night" is not meant to be a robot song. I know it has a kind of robotic tune. But no it is not a "robotic song".

Where can you find the robot and what tasks will the robot perform in these places?

The automobile manufacturing industry uses robotic painting and welding arms. Other manufacturing uses robotic plasma cutters and other robotic devices to assist in precision assembly tasks. Police and military use robotic bomb detonating devices and robotic cameras. Military aircraft are becoming more robotic, for example search information about UAV's Robotic/automated devices are generally manufactured for specific tasks and are generally quite expensive. The autonomous/sentient robot does not exist, although there are a few mechanical toys that appear to emulate a general purpose robot.