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Q: What is the difference between rust and magnetite?
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The magnetic iron oxide mineral is called?

magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite

What is the difference between rust resistant and rust proof?

Something that is rust resistant will not rust easily; minor exposure to water will not cause it to rust. Something that is rust proof will not rust.

What is the difference between iron 2 and iron 3?

Found in different ores Fe 2(magnetite) and Fe 3 (haematite) They have different valencies (+2 and +3) They form different coloured compounds Fe 2 is green while Fe 3 is rust-brown.

How can you tell the difference between hematite and pyrite?

The difference between the iron in magnetite and hematite is the charge. Hematite has all 3+ iron ( the iron when make the mineral loses 3 electrons) and magnetite has some 2+ iron (it only loses 2 electrons).

What is the difference between the corrosion of ferrous and nonferrous metals?

Ferrous rust's and non ferrous doesn't. :))

What is the difference between red and green coolant?

The main difference between red and green coolant is the additives. The red has extra anti rust inhibitors useful in certain engines.

Link between lodestone and magnetism?

Lodestone or magnetite is a magnetic type of Iron oxide ore.double click on lodestone or magnetite for an answer tips definition.

What is the difference between lodestone and magnetite?

So far as I can figure out, the difference is the alignment of poles and magnetic configuration. In non-lodestone Magnetite, the poles are not aligned. You essentially have multiple natural magnets glopped together in a ferrous oxide matrix, or simply an ore with the chemical composition of FeO·Fe2O3. Magnetite is magnetic, but does not always create a natural magnetic field. Lodestone has definite north and south poles, and is considered the most powerful of natural magnets.

What are examples of chemical weathering by oxygen?

I am a student and currently studying weathering, an example is Iron-containing minerals like magnetite, can weather to from a rust-like material called limonite.

What is the chemical compound for magnetite?

Magnetite is Fe3O4.

What is the diaphaneity of magnetite?

The diaphaneity of magnetite is opaque.

What is the luster magnetite?

Magnetite has a metallic luster.