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Salivary amylase breaks 1-4 Linkage whereas Pancreatic amylase breaks 1-6 linkage in Polysacharides

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Q: What is the difference between salivary amylase and pancreatic pytlin?
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Do the salivary gland and pancreas both secrete amylase?

Yes, both the salivary gland and the pancreas secrete amylase. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates into smaller sugar molecules. In the salivary glands, amylase is produced in saliva to begin the digestion of starches in the mouth. In the pancreas, amylase is produced and released into the small intestine to further break down starches into simpler sugars.

What is the substrate salivary amylase?

Starch is the substrate. Salivary amylase (like all amylases) is an enzyme that breaks down bonds between glucose residues in starch molecules. More specifically, the substrate for an amylase is an α-1,4-glycosidic bond. The products are sugars such as maltose and, in smaller amounts, glucose and maltotriose.

Functions of the digestive enzymes amylase?

Carbohydrates -- Salivary amylase breaks the covalent bonds between glucose molecules in starch and other polysaccharides to produce the disaccharides maltose and isomaltose. Maltose and isomaltose have a sweet taste; thus, the digestion of polysaccharides by salivary amylase enhances the sweet taste of food.

What enzyme in saliva breaks the chemical bonds starches?

The enzyme found in saliva that breaks chemical bonds between starches and releases sugars is called Salivary amylase.

How will the time taken for starch to digested in amylase be affected by the temperature?

investigate the relationship between reaction temperature and the effectiveness of the Enzyme amalayse on starch

What is the substrate of salivary amylase?

the enzymes are very specific in their action and so is salivary amylase (enzyme) in its action too. It basically breakdown carbohydrates from the food into simpler form for further degradation but amylase do not breakdown carbohydrates to its simplest form.

What is the difference between casein and pancreatic digest of casein?

Casein is a protein found in milk and the pancreatic digest of Casein is the breakdown of casein into Tryptone, Casitone and Trypticase. So basically it is the subunits of Casein

Difference between fungal alpha amylase and beta amylase?

beta hydrolyses the endings of amylopectine or starch to give maltose units, and alpha hydrolyses anywhere in the starch molecule to give 2 polysaccharides

What is the difference between amalyase and lipase?

They are enzymes in the body, amylase breaks down sugars and lipase breaks down fats.

What is the effect of temperature on salivary amalyse activity?

Every enzyme has a temperature range of optimum activity. Outside that temperature range the enzyme is rendered inactive and is said to be totally inhibited. This occurs because as the temperature changes this supplies enough energy to break some of the intramolecular attractions between polar groups (Hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole attractions) as well as the Hydrophobic forces between non-polar groups within the protein structure. When these forces are disturbed and changed, this causes a change in the secondary and tertiary levels of protein structure, and the active site is altered in its conformation beyond its ability to accomodate the substrate molecules it was intended to catalyze. Most enzymes (and there are hundreds within the human organism) within the human cells will shut down at a body temperature below a certain value which varies according to each individual. This can happen if body temperature gets too low (hypothermia) or too high (hyperthermia).

Difference between maltose and cellulose?

difference between cellulose and maltose is that cellulose is (chiefly in technical texts) while maltose is (carbohydrate) a disaccharide, c12h22o11 formed from the digestion of starch by amylase; is converted to glucose by maltase.

What are the functions of saliva in humans?

The basic function of saliva is to moisten and Lubricate food. Saliva also contains salivary amylase which breaks the covalent bonds between glucose molecules in starch and other polysaccharides to produce the disaccharides maltose and isomaltose.