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Q: What is the difference between selection and iteration constructs?
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What is the difference between the processes of natural selection and artificial selection?

the difference between the 2 r that natural is the best looking or tasting and artificial is fake

What is the difference between choice and selection?

A choice is what you make from an available selection. A selection defines available choices.

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selection tool for selecting total object direct selection tool for selecting separate points in object.

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The main difference to remember is that natural selection is a nonrandom process while genetic drift is a random process.

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Projection is from which columns the result should come... Selection means selecting perticular row.

What is 3GS phones?

It's the 3rd iteration of the iPhone. The primary difference between it and its predecessor the iPhone 3G is that the 3GS is faster and can record video. The S stands for speed.

What is the difference between dowhile loop dountil?

A do-while loop checks its termination condition before each iteration, including the first; a do-until checks after each iteration, so that the first iteration occurs before the first check. The C language uses the word "while" for both types of loop, using the placement of the condition to control its timing:C do-while:while (condition) { /* condition checked before first loop iteration */... loop contents}C do-until:do {... loop contents} while (condition); /* condition not checked until after first loop iteration */

Is artificial selection and natural selection the same at the molecular level?

Technically, yes, but only because they are using virtually the same processes, the only real difference between the two, is like the difference between choosing your own mate and having someone choose your mate for you.