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Q: What is the difference between sharing and forwarding a text message?
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Difference between batch sharing and time sharing?

The main difference between batch sharing and time sharing is that in batch sharing system tasks are processed in order in which they arrive. Whereas, in the later the system switches between tasks.

Difference between giving and sharing?

sharing is giving some but not all away.

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Well Federalism is sharing power between states

Difference between batch processing and time sharing?

In batch processing the tasks are performed in batches. In time sharing, the operating system shares the time between each task.

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What is difference between distributed and time sharing operating system?

there is no proper knowledge regarding this question.

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parallel operating system is tha sharing of data between two computers....... Distributing system is the sharing of data among different computers....

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Difference between power sharing of Belgium and SRI Lanka is that in SRI Lanka, the president is the head of both the state and the government while in Belgium the executive power of federal government is held my the Prime ministers and the ministers.

What is the difference between prudential and moral reasons for power sharing?

Prudential reason stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes, whereas moral reasons emphasis the very act of power sharing as valuable.

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A nonpolar covalent bond involves an even sharing of electrons.

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What is the difference between file sharing and downloading files?

In file sharing you transfer files from another computer connected to internet. While in case of downloading you receive files from dedicated servers.