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Q: What is the difference between silver particles and silver nanoparticles?
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What is the effect of silver nanoparticles in plastic?

Silver nanoparticles are antibacterial, and when embedded in plastics for use in the medical field, are non-toxic. This makes silver nanoparticles useful in plastic applications such as surgical catheters.

How do you prepare nanoparticles?

There are a number of different synthetic routes to produce silver nano particles. One of these methods is the wet chemistry method. There are also several wet chemical methods for creating silver nanoparticles. Typically, these involve the reduction of a silver salt such as silver nitrate with a reducing agent like sodium borohydride in the presence of a colloidal stabilizer. Sodium borohydride has been used with polyvinyl alcohol, poly(vinylpyrrolidone), bovine serum albumin (BSA), citrate and cellulose as stabilizing agents. In the case of BSA, the sulfur-, oxygen- and nitrogen-bearing groups mitigate the high surface energy of the nanoparticles during the reduction. The hydroxyl groups on the cellulose are reported to help stabilize the particles. Citrate and cellulose have been used to create silver nanoparticles independent of a reducing agent as well. An additional novel wet chemistry method used to create silver nanoparticles took advantage of ß-D-glucose as a reducing sugar and a starch as the stabilizer.

What is the difference between 99.9 silver and 999.9 silver?

No se

What is the difference between a silver and sterling silver?

sterling does not tarnish

How are nanoparticles manufactured?

on a small scale in the lab there are many different ways. Most scientists have to do a search in existing litrature to find a way of making nanoparticles similar to what they want and then conduct systamatic experiments from there to see how changing paramaters will change the size and shape of the particles, with the goal of developing their own synthesis. Two common reactions you will hear of to make nanoparticles are the Stober reaction, which uses tetraethylortho silicate, ammonium hydroxide, water and differing alcohols to make silica particles, these particles are used to make artificial opals, which in turn are used to study properties of light and its interaction of matter. Another common one is the Lee and Miesel method of making silver or gold nanoparticles, this makes use of a metal salt and a solution of sodium citrate to reduce the salt to pure metal.

What are silver nanoparticles used for?

Silver nanoparticles are used in antibacterial technology embedded in refrigerators, washing machines, air coolers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners and air purifiers. This helps in blocking transmission of airborne diseases in humans and increases safety of health.

What is the difference between a gray wolf and a silver wolf?

There is no such thing as a silver wolf.

What is aggregation of nanoparticles?

Aggrgation of nanoparticles is where they stick together. This is undesirable in nanoparticle solutions, we want each nanoparticle to remain seperate. To combat this differing amounts of salts can be added to stop agglomeration, sodium citrate is one that is used for silver and gold nanoparticles. The zeta potential of the nanoparticle is a masure of its overall charge, ideally we want nanoparticles with a high positive or negative zeta potential as like charges repel each other and will stop nanoparticles from agglomerating.

What is the difference between silver and titanium autocraft battery?

no difference, except price.

What is the difference between stainless steel and silver?

stainless and silver is defferentbecouse silver is a colour and stainless are stains

What is the difference between sterling silver and 925?


How do you tell the difference between sterling and nickel silver?

silver is usually stamped 925