

Best Answer

That's a good question.

It lies in the nature of social shifts versus cultural tradition. Social interactions, formalities and acceptable practices vary and shift far more frequently by definition than culture. The same culture can be practiced where different societies exist. Its a very subjective idea.

Additional Answer:

A society can also have sub-sects of culture within it. Our American society for example, has many cultures within it. There's a gay culture, a straight culture, a female culture and a male culture. We have a sports culture and an intellectual culture, music culture and motorcycle culture.

A society by definition is the way in which a group of people live together for mutual benefit. That's a society. It doesn't mean they're all the same or that they have shared values, it just means they live together for mutual benefit.

A culture on the other hand, refers to a group of people that share beliefs and behaviors, attitudes, goals and practices.

There are sections of society in the modern world that we probably share space with - as a society, but we are probably NOT part of their culture.

A group of atheists in a Christian nation may be part of the society, but they're not part of the Christian culture - and the reverse is also true.

"Society" is more about, "How do all these people interact?"

"Culture" is more about, "What do they believe, and what do they value?"

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Q: What is the difference between social and cultural history?
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Social and cultural anthropology?

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Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the 1980s and 1990s

What is the difference between history and social studies?

The two terms actually have similar application. The term "social studies", in elementary and secondary education, includes sociology, history, political science, economics, religion, geography, and anthropology. The term "social sciences" is sometimes applied solely to higher education, and originally included the studies of jurisprudence (law), education, health, economics, and art. However, the definition can include all of the studies concerned with man and society.

Why Caribbean countries with a common history and geography are marked by so much social and cultural diversity?

because of Caribbean history -- tons of slaves in 17 century and 18 century were transported from African as well Asia to the Caribbean regions

What is the difference between Anthropology and history?

Anthropology is a social science and by definition, studies the origins and social relationships between human beings. They ask questions such as, What defines us humans? How do we behave? Anthropology has four subfields which include, cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology and lastly biological anthropology. History is a branch of a liberal arts degree which studies every aspect of history as a whole and is a career which is much broader than anthropology in general. History discusses dates in time as well as human civilizations. History also deals with theories and speculation similar to many other science based degrees. Both anthropology and history do cross lines with each-other from time to time. This is the case with many degrees including paleontology and archaeology which all delve into the histories of our culture and world.

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