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thet can be identified as makong sure 4 other materials without breaking atoms..

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A solution is a homogeneous mixture where one substance dissolves in another. A compound, on the other hand, is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio. In a compound, the elements cannot be easily separated by physical means, while in a solution, the components can be separated by physical processes like evaporation or filtration.

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Q: What is the difference between solutions and compounds?
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What is the difference between amphoteric and neutral compounds?

Amphoteric compounds can act as either an acid or a base depending on the reaction conditions, while neutral compounds do not exhibit acidic or basic properties. Amphoteric compounds can donate or accept protons in a reaction, resulting in different behaviors, whereas neutral compounds do not participate in proton transfer reactions.

What is the relationship between ionic compounds and electrolytes?

Ionic compounds form electrolytes in water solutions or when they are melted.

What is the difference in the way ionic and covalent compounds dissolve in solutions?

Ionic compounds dissociate into their constituent ions when they dissolve in solutions, whereas covalent compounds do not dissociate into ions and remain as molecules. This means that ionic compounds can conduct electricity in solution due to the presence of free ions, while covalent compounds generally do not conduct electricity in solution.

What is the main difference between acids and base?

Acid compounds will donate hydrogen ions and base compounds will accept hydrogen ions.

What determines the type of bond that forms between atoms or compounds?

The type of bond that forms between atoms or compounds is determined by the electronegativity difference between the atoms involved in the bond. If the electronegativity difference is small, a covalent bond forms, where electrons are shared. If the electronegativity difference is large, an ionic bond forms, where electrons are transferred.

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What is the difference between heterogeneous mixtures coloiods and solutions?

Compounds are cool with water. Try it!

What is the difference between amphoteric and neutral compounds?

Amphoteric compounds can act as either an acid or a base depending on the reaction conditions, while neutral compounds do not exhibit acidic or basic properties. Amphoteric compounds can donate or accept protons in a reaction, resulting in different behaviors, whereas neutral compounds do not participate in proton transfer reactions.

What are the similarities and difference in solutions and compounds?


Are compounds solutions?

No, compounds are not solutions. Solutions may contain compounds, but they are not the same thing.

What is the difference between real solutions and real roots when dealing with discriminant?

There is no difference between real solutions and real roots.

What is the difference in the way ionic and covalent compounds dissolve in solutions?

Ionic compounds dissociate into their constituent ions when they dissolve in solutions, whereas covalent compounds do not dissociate into ions and remain as molecules. This means that ionic compounds can conduct electricity in solution due to the presence of free ions, while covalent compounds generally do not conduct electricity in solution.

What is the relationship between ionic compounds and electrolytes?

Ionic compounds form electrolytes in water solutions or when they are melted.

What is difference between services and solutions?


THE DIFFERence between organic and inorganic compounds?

Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.

What is the difference between mixtures compounds and solutions?

A compound contain elements chemically bonded. A synonym is molecule.A mixture contain two or more compounds; they can be separated by physical procedures.An element is formed only from similar atoms, having the same number of protons.

What are pure substances solutions homogeneous mixtures colloids or compounds?

Compounds and solutions are pure substances

What is the difference between molecular compounds and molecular element?

Molecular compounds are made up of multiple different elements bonded together, while molecular elements are made up of the same type of element bonded together. Molecular compounds have multiple types of atoms, while molecular elements have only one type of atom.