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Streak: The powder mark left by a mineral when it is rubbed against a harder object.

Specific Gravity: The exact weight of an object.

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Q: What is the difference between streak and specific gravity?
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Rarity, color, luster, streak, (cleavage, fracture,) and specific gravity.

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You can look at the streak, specific gravity, and if it have cleavage or not.

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Gold will have a gold metallic streak, and Fool's Gold (pyrite) will have a greenish black streak.

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You can look at the streak, specific gravity, and if it have cleavage or not.

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Luster is the way a mineral reflects in the light. Streak is the color of a mineral in powdered form.

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It is definitely a form of the mineral quartz, maybe jasper or carnelian.

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In a hand sample/specimen you can the properties used to identify minerals are luster, diaphaneity, color, streak, luminescence, play of colors, crystal shape, tenacity, cleavage, hardness, specific gravity and density, magnetism, electrical properties, reaction to acid.

What is difference between hardness and streak?

Streak is the color it makes when two minerals scratch against each other. Hardness is just how hard the mineral is

What is uranium's streak colour?

Uranium hasn't a specific streak color.