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Q: What is the difference between subtracting decimal numbers and subtraction of whole numbers?
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Do you move the decimal in subtraction?

No, you don't move the decimal in subtraction. However, you may need to add trailing zeroes after the decimal in order to make subtraction easier.

Why did you need to write an equivalent decimal when subtracting 8.5 - 4.63?


How is estimation helpful when adding and subtracting decimals?

It is difficult to answer the question because, for addition or subtraction, it is often easier to obtain the exact answer! If you line up the decimal points and then follow the rules of addition or subtraction - exactly as they would apply to whole numbers - you will get the correct answer!Estimation may be useful to check your answer if you are poor at addition or subtraction of integers. But, if that is the case, your estimate is equally likely to be wrong!

What is the difference between 075 and 75?

Without a decimal, there is no difference.

How can you use invers operations to chek your answer to a decimal subtracions problem?

Add the result of the subtraction to the number you were subtracting and you should get the number from which you subtracted. example 246.8 - 35.15 = 211.65 To check add 211.65 + 35.15 and see if you get 246.8

What is the difference between a terminating decimal and a repeating decimal?

i really dont know

What is the difference between a decimal point and a decimal?

A decimal point is the actual point. A decimal is the number that has a decimal point in it. For example; 28429.018

How do you separate a number from it's decimal numbers?

With scissors? Or try subtracting the decimal away!

What is the rule for significant figures when adding or subtracting decimals?

When adding and/or subtracting, your answer can only show as many decimal places as the measurement having the fewest number in the decimal places.

When subtracting or adding numbers in scientific notation why do the exponents need to be the same?

This is effectively the same as lining up the decimal points when adding or subtracting ordinary decimal fractions.

What is the difference between a decimal and a percentage?

A decimal can be out of 10,100,10000 and so on. A percent can only be out of 100

When subtracting one decimal fraction from another and one has more decimal places than the other what should you do?

Step 1. Align their decimal places then do the subtraction. Example 1: 1234.567-123.3 1234.567 -123.3 ------------- 1111.267 If the minuend has lesser decimal places, add zeros after the last decimal point so that it will have the same decimal places as the subtrahend. Then do step 1. Example 2: 1234.5 - 123.456 1234.500 -123.456 ------------- 1111.044