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Q: What is the difference between suppression and retention of urine?
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The sudden stoppage of urine formation is called?

urinary suppression

What is the inability to hold urine?

Enuresis is the involuntary discharge of urine; also called incontinence.

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Urine is held in the bladder?

urinary retention

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Urine cannot leave the bladder?

When urine can't leave the bladder it's called urine retention. This can be caused by some medications, but it can also be from something serious. It can also result in reflux, meaning the urine backs up into the kidneys. When urine retention does happen, you need to see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

WhaT is the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

What the difference between filtrate and urine?

The main difference between filtrate and urine is the chemical composition of the two. Filtrate has almost all the substance that blood plasma has except blood proteins while urine only contains waste substances.

What condition occurs when the bladder is able to empty itself but no urine is being produced by the kidneys?

When you cannot empty your bladder completely, or at all, despite an urge to urinate, you have urinary retention. Failure to treat the condition can lead to infections or damage to the urinary tract and kidneys.

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Is there a difference between men and women urine?

Yes a men's urine comes from a penis, a woman's from a vagina!(: x