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Synthetic elements are those which have been produced by scientists in a laboratory, but not yet discovered occurring naturally. They are true elements because they occupy missing spaces on the periodic chart....they adjust the number of electrons, i.e., in one element to create another.

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Q: What is the difference between synthetic elements and other elements?
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A chemosynthetic organism uses sulfur or other elements as a source of energy.

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If you're talking about synthetic elements, something like Californium would count. You can spot these synthetic elements at the bottom of the periodic table under "Lanthanides and Actanides". Basically, it's anything over Mass Number 94 and they decay very quickly. If you're talking about the other sort of synthetic "substance", then I suggest Nylon or Polyester.

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What are synthesizers?

Synthetic elements are unstable chemical elements not naturally found on the earth. They are synthesized in the laboratory. All of them are unstable and radioactive in nature, which means they emit radiations and decay into other elements.

Are synthetic products better than natural products?

yes because natural prouducts are made naturally and synthetic prouducts are fake. yes, oil for example has different properties than synthetic oil, for instance, oil will move away from heat where synthetic oil will actually move towards heat. This is good in your car engine if a spoot heats up the synthetic oil will go to it and cool it down where regular oil will not do this as effectively.

What is the basic difference between isotopes of the same element other than atomic mass?

There r no differences but in sm elements the difference can b of radioactivity like in calcium(ca).