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Q: What is the difference between the African culture and the Western culture based on time?
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Much of African postcolonial literature addresses the tension between?

traditional African culture and Western culture

Much of African postcolonial literature addresses the tension between what?

traditional African culture and European culture/Western culture

What is the different between African culture and western culture?

African culture has greater respect for elders

What did Post colonial African literature characters struggled with?

the tension between western nd African culture

Much postcolonial African literature features characters who struggle?

the tension between Western and African culture.

What Is The Difference between Indian culture and western cultur?

Western culture is all about sex and money where as Indian culture is all about love, sacrifices,caring and helping who are in need. Western culture more or less professional.

Modern African cultures are characterized by the tension between?

traditional ways and modern Western culture

The theme of living a kind of where traditional African culture is contrasted with life in a Western influenced culture permeates much of African literature?

The theme of living a kind of dual life in which traditional African culture is contrasted with life in a Western-influenced culture permeates much of African literature.

What are the difference between Africa and Philippines?

Philippine culture is a mix of Malayo and Polynesian, mainly Roman Catholic, and serves Western and Indian foods. African culture varies by regions, is mainly Christianity and Islam, and uses all local ingredients in their foods.

What are the three parts of Africa's triple heritage?

Traditional African culture, Islamic culture, and Western culture

The theme of living a kind of life where traditional African culture is contrasted with life in a Western-influenced culture permeates much of African literature?

Many African literature works explore the tension between traditional African values and the influence of Western culture on individuals and societies. This theme often highlights the complexities of identity, social change, and cultural assimilation in a rapidly globalizing world. By juxtaposing these two contrasting worlds, African writers aim to provoke reflection on the complexities and challenges faced by African people in navigating their cultural heritage in a modern context.

A central theme in postcolonial African literature is the tension between?

traditional African culture; European culture