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There is no difference. It would have been more difficult to get involved in Vietnam WITHOUT the domino theory.

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Q: What is the difference between the Vietnam war and the Domino theory?
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What is directly linked to the domino theory?

the vietnam war

How are the domino theory and the Vietnam alike?

If South Vietnam fell, then it's next door neighbor Cambodia would fall, then Laos, then Thailand, then Burma, Pakistan, India, etc.

What is domino affect?

The domino Effect is a phenomenon where a chain of consequences is created by a single event. As in a line of dominos, where 1 domino is struck, others fall as a consequence of the original action. As it pertains to the Vietnam war, the domino effect was the theory that the US government used to justify its intervention in Vietnam. The position of the pro-war, anti-communist advisers in the government was that if Vietnam was allowed to "fall" to communism, this would set off a 'domino effect' whereby first neighboring countries such as Laos, Cambodia and Thailand would fall into communist revolution, and by extension countries further afield would be overtaken as the global communist revolutionary movement gained momentum. According to this line of thinking, to stop communism in Vietnam was to stop the world from falling into communist control. This theory is disproved, as we know Communist North Vietnam defeated US forces, but this did not result in a domino effect of neighboring countries becoming communist.

Which of the following U.S. foreign policies was used to justify U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

The U.S. always putting their nose where it doesn't belong. They didn't want communism to take over from North to South Vietnam. Then the US lied about one of our boats being attacked which gave us the reason to turn from advisors to groud troops.

What was Eisenhowers role in the Vietnam War?

He introduced the first US Military Advisers to the country, intelligence support and Air America.