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Amplitude versus frequencyLoudness is a function of the sound wave's amplitude of the sound pressure. Aour ear drums are moved by the sound pressure.The greater the amplitude, the greater the volume.

Pitch is related to its frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

Loudness = amplitude of the sound pressure

Softest sound

Loudest sound

Pitch = frequency

Lowest pitch

Highest pitch

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That is the difference of the frequency and the amplitude of the sound.

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Q: What is the difference between loudness and pitch of sound?
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Which is a similarity between loudness and pitch?

There is no similarity. Loudness has to do with sound pressure amplitude coming from the sound source. Pitch has to do with the frequency of the tone the sound source is making. Loudness cannot be pitch.

What is the the difference between pitch and volume?

Pitch is related to a sound's frequency. Volume is related to its amplitude.

What is the difference between a sound of low pitch and high pitch amplitude or frequency?

Low frequency = low pitch = long waves

How can you show the difference between pitch and loudness?

In terms of a wave, the pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, which is also in inverse proportion to its wavelength. The loudness/volume of a sound is determined by the amplitude of the wave. Both higher frequency and higher amplitude signify more energy in a wave.

What is the relation between loudness and frequency of sound?

From what I know from highschool/early university simple harmonic motions, I believe that there is no necessary link between loudness and frequency. Frequency (the number of times a wave completes an oscillation or cycle in one second) decides the pitch of the sound, while amplitude (the difference in height between the highest point in the sound wave and the lowest point) decides the loudness of the sound.

What does the loudness of sound depends on?

the loudness of sound depends on the amplitude of the waves that compose it, i.e. the difference in pressure between the crest and the trough of the wave.

Pitch describes the loudness of a sound?

Pitch describes the frequency of a sound.

How is noise related with pitch?

Pitch refers to a sound with specific tones. The pitch of a sound is determined by the spaces between the sound waves. A sound is considered by noise by determining the level of loudness of the sound.

Does a sound's pitch depend on its loudness?

No. A sound's pitch depends on the frequency of the wave.

The difference between pitch and volume?

The difference between pitch and volume is pitch is tone, and what a sound is, and volume is how loud a sound is.

Are loudness and pitch properties of sound or property of waves?

Loudness and pitch are properties of sound which can be determined by looking at the sound wave. You have a high pitch when the frequency of the wave increases or the wavelenght (lambda) decreases. When the amplitude increases the loudness of the wave increases as well.

What is pitch and loudness and timbre?

Loudness, pitch and timbre are approximately the correlates of signal amplitude, frequency and frequency spectrum, respectively.