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Q: What is the difference between the sill and pluton on a volcano?
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What is a tabular concordant pluton?

A tabular concordant pluton is a sill.A Sill is a flat concordant pluton. And a tabular means flat, like a table or tablet. Thus a sill is a tabular concordant pluton.In fact a the wikipedia article for "sill (geology)", as of the 01:33, 19 February 2009 update by Vsmith, read " a sill is a tabular pluton that has intruded between older layers of sedimentary rock, beds of volcanic lava or tuff, or even along the direction of foliation in metamorphic rock." -

What is a sill in a volcano?

A sill is an intrusive body of magma that pushes its way between layers of sediments.

Picture of volcano sill?

A sill is an intrusive body of magma that pushes its way between layers of sediments.

What are the types of pluton?

They include batholith, lopolith, sill, phacolith, laccolith and volcanic neck.

Which type of pluton is completely parallel to the rock layers into which it intrudes?

the type of thin pluton thats cuts across preexisting layers of rocks is Dike.

What igneous rock would form from the same magma if it did not reach the surface instead crystallized at depth?

A structure called an intrusion: abatholith (lit., "deep rock") or pluton on a large scale, a boss, dyke or sill in smaller scales and according to form, and usually springing from either a volcano's flanksor froma batholith.

What are the major intrusive features created by volcano?

loccoliths paccoliths lopoliths sill

What are the main parts of a volcano and their functions?

There are a number of main parts of a volcano. Some of these include the throat, the sill, the conduit, and the parasitic cone.

An igneous intrusion that cuts across rock layers is called a?

A discordant intrusion is known as a dyke. A larger intrusion may also be a pluton or batholith, which both also cut across rock strata. A sill is an intrusion which is concordant, and goes between the strata. This does not necessarily mean that it is horizontal.

What does sill mean in a volcano?

Its means a certain type of eruption for example:;EXOPLOSIVE,QUIET. all it means is a eruption

In geology what is the difference between a sill and a dyke?

Both of these are called igneous intrusions. They form when liquid magma forces its way into cracks in existing rocks and sets. If the resulting band of rock is basically vertical it is called a dyke, and if it is more horizontal it is a sill.

Mass rock formed when a volcano's magma chamber empties and collapses?

Scientist say the sill and dike help detemine this