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Q: What is the difference between the type of specimen viewed on dissecting and compound microscope?
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What type of microscope gives a three-dimensional view of the specimen?

A binocular microscope, which is commonly called a dissecting scope.

What is an instrument that allows light to pass through the specimen and uses two lens to from an image called?

The answer you are looking for is called a dissecting or stereo microscope. These provide a lower magnification range in comparison to compound microscopes and they use two sets of lenses, the eyepiece and the objective lenses. these then provide a 3D image.

What characteristics of a dissecting microscope makes it ideal to use for gross examination of specimen?

suitable for viewing large objects

What reflects light to the specimen on a compound microscope?

Usually a mirror.

What specimen's can be seen using a compound microscope?

Lots of tiny things, but it depends on how strong your microscope is.

How does the image of a specimen change when viewed under a compound microscope?

It is inverted .

What is fine adjustment in compound microscope?

This control allows for precise focusing of the specimen...

A photograph of a specimen taken through a compound light microscope is called?


What is a platform of a compound light microscope that supports the slide holding the specimen?


What is the difference between a specimen and an image?

Specimen is what is on slide of microscope while image is what you see

A light microscope that makes the specimen appear light on a dark background is called a?

A darkfield microscope makes the specimen appear light on a dark background. It is an instrument used in light microscopy.

What is the part of a compound light microscope that is located directly above the specimen and that magnifies the image of th specimen?

It's the objective.