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To evoke means to call forth or bring out, like a joke evokes a laugh. Evocation is the act of calling forth.

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Q: What is the difference between the words 'evoke' and 'evocation'?
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What is the definition for the word envoke?

There is no word envoke. The word invoke means to call upon (as with religious deities) or to call into effect (as in laws). An invocation is an opening prayer.Examples : "The high priest invoked the name of the legendary warrior spirit."Example : "To prosecute the criminals, the district attorney invoked the existing gambling law."_______You might also mean "evoke." Evoke means to bring or recall to the conscious mind or elicit (as in a response). An evocation is imaginative re-creation.Example: "Riding the subway always evokes a feeling of nostalgia from childhood."Example: "His words evoked an angry response."The main difference between invoke and evoke is that invoke has an outward to inward feeling whereas evoke has an inward to outward feeling. For instance, you can invoke (call to you) a spirit or you can evoke (call out of you) an emotion.

What is the difference between slang and pretentious words?

Slang words are words that are not in the dictionary.

What is the difference between the words argue and persuade?

The difference between the words argue and persuade are . Argue is a form of relevating to what you are going to rgue abojnklf;uyikofjjiy

What words do not have a connotation that evokes calm?

Words that do not have a connotation that evoke "calm" or "calmness" might include these:franticpanicchaoschaoticbarbaricdisheveledsplintered

What is the difference between kingdom and realm?

No difference, both words refer to a royal domain

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What is the definition for the word envoke?

There is no word envoke. The word invoke means to call upon (as with religious deities) or to call into effect (as in laws). An invocation is an opening prayer.Examples : "The high priest invoked the name of the legendary warrior spirit."Example : "To prosecute the criminals, the district attorney invoked the existing gambling law."_______You might also mean "evoke." Evoke means to bring or recall to the conscious mind or elicit (as in a response). An evocation is imaginative re-creation.Example: "Riding the subway always evokes a feeling of nostalgia from childhood."Example: "His words evoked an angry response."The main difference between invoke and evoke is that invoke has an outward to inward feeling whereas evoke has an inward to outward feeling. For instance, you can invoke (call to you) a spirit or you can evoke (call out of you) an emotion.

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The difference between the words argue and persuade are . Argue is a form of relevating to what you are going to rgue abojnklf;uyikofjjiy

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