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Traditional animation refers to the original way animations were created. Drawings and paintings were made on cel acetates which were then replicated and photographed. Afterwards, these photos would be sequenced together to give an illusion of movement to the drawings.

3D Animation is a computerized animation technique which uses specialized software packages, such as Maya and AfterEffects, to make 3D characters and objects for animated features.

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14y ago

Traditional animation is done by hand. Computer animation is completely digitized. Rather than creating a movie screen by screen, they can create a 3D character first and then input movements for it to make.The difference lies in the way the animation is produced. traditional animation are usually painstakenly hand drawn on celluloid cells which takes a lot of time and effort to produce. computer animation utilizes computers to animate the stills and also allow better special effects due to the new technological breakthroughs in things like computer graphics and 3-D effects. Traditional animation usually looks 2-D as well.

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14y ago

Computer graphics is just the use of computers to create an image. Animation is the process of turning a collection of images into what appears to be fluid video.

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