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Vector quantity is a quantity characterized by magnitude and direction.Whereas,Scalar quantity is a quantity that does not depend on direction.

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A scalar has only size (amount, or quantity), example: a volume of liquid. A vector requires additionally a direction to define it ,examples: velocity, force.

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Q: What is the difference between vector and scalar quantities?
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Is current a scalar or vector quantity?

It depends upon the condition.But basically, to be a vector, the physical quantities needs to follow vector algebra.but current dos not follow it so it is scalar quantity.

Name scalar fields and vector fields?

name as many scalar fields and vector fields as u can?

Is a force of friction a vector or scaler quantity?

Either, or both. Motion can be described in either vector or scalar terms. Speed is a scalar quantity, having only a magnitude. Velocity is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction. Acceleration is a vector quantity.

Differentiate vector and scalar quantities?

William Rowan Hamilton invented the terms Scalars and Vectors with his Quaternions. Quaternions are the sum of a scalar and three vectors. Q=s + ix +jy + kz, = s +v where s is the scalar and ix,jy and kz are the vectors. The rule for vectors is i^2=j^2=k^2= ijk = -1. Scalar and vector quantities are the two kinds of numbers. Scalar quantities are real number quantities having a positive square. s^2>0. Scalars are commutative s1s2=s2s1. Vector quantities v, are directional numbers and have a negative square, V^2= -1. Typical vector denotations are i ,j and k. Vectors are non-commutative ij=-ji There are false vectors used in physics today ala Gibbs Heaviside "vectors" where v^2=+1. These vectors are non-associative i(jk) does not equal (ij)k when v^2=+1. Associativity is true when v^2= -1. Quaternions the sum of a scalar and three vectors constitutes a four dimensional division space. This is only associative division space. Quaternions contains two associative division sub spaces, the Complex space (Reals + Imaginaries)) and the Real space (Reals). There is another division space, Octonions consisting of reals and vectors but it is not associative.

What is difference between scalar and super scalar processor?

Differences between scalar and superscalar processors generally boil down to quantity and speed. A scalar processor, considered to be the simplest of all processors, works on one or two computer data items at a given time. The superscalar processor works on multiple instructions and several groups of multiple data items at a time. Scalar and superscalar processors both function the same way in terms of how they manipulate data, but their difference lies in how many manipulations and data items they can work on in a given time. Superscalar processors can handle multiple instructions and data items, while the scalarprocessor simply cannot, therefore making the former a more powerful processor than the latter. Scalar and superscalar processors both have some similarities with vector processors. Like ascalar processor, a vector processor also executes a single instruction at a time, but instead of just manipulating one data item, its single instruction can access multiple data items. Similar with the superscalar processor, a vector processor has several redundant functional units that let it manipulate multiple data items, but it can only work on a single instruction at a time. In essence, a superscalar processor is a combination of a scalar processor and a vector processor.

Related questions

Similarities between scalar and vector quantities?

Scalar quantities - quantities that only include magnitude Vector quantities - quantities with both magnitude and direction

The differences between scalar quantities and vector quantities?

A scalar quantity is just a number e.g. 3 miles A vector quantity is a number with directions e.g. 3 miles south So the difference between them is that vector has a particular direction to go with but a scalar quantity is just a number.

How are scalar and vector quantities similar?

Scalar and vector quantities give magnitude, and that makes them similar. The difference is that the vector quantity gives direction as well as magnitude. plz check out this for further details vHMnGsOrU5A

What is the difference between scalar and vector drives?

a vector drive is vertical, a scalar is horizontal.

Diffrentiate between vector and scalar quantities?

Scalar quantities are defined as quantities that have only a mganitude. Vector quantities have magnitude and direction. Some example of this include Scalar Vector Mass Weight length Displacement Speed Velocity Energy Acceleration

What are scalar and vector forces?

There is no such thing as scalar and vector forces. However, there are scalar and vector QUANTITIES, and force is a vector quantity, as all forces have direction and magnitude. Scalar quantities, on the other hand, have only magnitude and no direction.

What are the quantities that identifies scalar and vector quantities?

A vector is characterized by having not only a magnitude, but a direction. If a direction is not relevant, the quantity is called a scalar.

Is work and energy scalar or vector quantities explain?

It is scalar. This simply means that - unlike vector quantities - energy is not defined in a particular direction.

Difference between vector and scaler quantity?

One difference between scalar processors and vector processors is their startup times, with vector processors needing prolonged startup due to multiple tasks. Another difference is that scalar processors operate on only one point of data at a time.

Are force and acceleration scalar quantities?

No. Force and acceleration are vector quantities.

What is vector acceleration?

To make it easy, vector quantities have a direction aswell as a magnitude.While scalar quantities just have a magnitudeAn example of a scalar quantity is "Speed" and the vector quantity would be "Velocity"

Is it possible to add a scalar to a vector?

It is not possible the addition of scalars as well as vectors because vector quantities are magnitude as well as direction and scalar quantities are the only magnitude; they have no directions at all. Addition is possible between scalar to scalar and vector to vector. Under some circumstances, you may be able to treat scalar quantities as being along some previously undefined dimension of a vector quantity, and add them that way. For example, you can treat time as a vector along the t-axis and add it to an xyz position vector in 3-space to come up with a four-dimensional spacetime vector.