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A hurricane warning means that hurricane conditions are expected in an area within 36 hours.

A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible in the next 48 hours.

The term hurricane alert does not show up in the NOAA weather glossary.

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Kaylah Ward

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2y ago
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* When a HURRICANE WATCH is issued for your part of the coast this indicates the possibility that you could experience hurricane conditions within 36 hours. This watch should trigger your family's disaster plan, and proactive measures should be initiated especially those actions that require extra time such as securing a boat, leaving a barrier island, etc. * When a HURRICANE WARNING is issued for your part of the coast this indicates that sustained winds of at least 74 mph are expected within 24 hours. Once this warning has been issued, your family should be in the process of completing proactive actions and deciding the safest location to be during the storm.

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What is the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane alert?

Basically, a hurricane warning tells people from the radio and televisions that there is going to be a hurricane. For example in Hurricane Katrina, it was said from the radio to evacuate or if you didn't evacuate, to store loads of food and water...etc :)

Is a hurricane watch or a hurricane warning more serious?

Warning, because the hurricane is about to make landfall.

Is a hurricane watch worse than a hurricane warning?

No. A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours. A hurricane warning means hurricane conditions are expected in the next 36 hours. So a warning indicates a greater danger.

What is the difference between a weather watch a weather advisory and a weather warning?

A weather watch means weather conditions are favorable for a particular weather event, a weather advisory indicates that a specific weather event is expected but not as severe as a warning, and a weather warning means that a potentially dangerous weather event is imminent and immediate action is recommended to protect life and property.

How do you tell the difference between a watch or a warning for a hailstorm?

The main difference is a storm watch implies that there may be a possability of the event happening whereas a storm warning has a much higher pobability of actually occurring

What is the difference between a storm watch and a storm warning?

A storm watch means that the weather has the chance of turning into a storm. A storm warning means that the weather has turned bad and is headed your way.

What is the difference between a severe weather watch and a severe weather warning?

A watch means that they think you might have severe weather, while a warning means you have severe weather, so get down!

What is the definition of hurricane watch?

A hurricane watch is issued by weather authorities when there is a possibility of hurricane conditions, including sustained winds of 74 mph or greater, within a specified coastal area within 48 hours. It is a signal for residents to prepare for the potential impact of a hurricane.

Compare and contrast a watch and a warning?

A warning is worse. It means that something (like a tornado) has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form bad weather (such as a tornado) in a general area.

What is a difference between a flood watch and a flood warning?

A watch is issued to let the public know that the weather conditions make a flood possible. A warning is that a flood is occurring or has occurred but the exact size and extent of it is unknown.

What is the difference between a tornado and a tornado watch?

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. A tornado watch is a weather advisory that indicates that conditions in a region are favorable for the formation of tornadoes.

What is the difference between storm watches and storm warnings?

Knowing the difference between storm watches and storm warnings can save you life. A storm watch means that the current conditions are right for dangerous weather and to watch for them. A storm warning means that the dangerous weather is threatening the area at that moment.