

What is the difference between the xml and wml?

Updated: 4/3/2022
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15y ago

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XML and WML both use the same markup / language. If you know XML, you know WML - and vice versa. However, XML is intentionally developed for computers, or other devices with larger screens. WML is developed for smaller-screened devices, such as PDA's and cell phones. Regardless, most devices, small or large screen'ed, now accept both formats of the XML language without complaining - but users may notice a difference in layout. On the technical side of things, WML standards branch off XML standards (which determine how things should be layed out on a screen or other display) - making the standards relatively different. WML is placed in WML-type documents ("file.wml"), as XML is placed in XML-type documents ("file.xml"). WML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an WML standard, as XML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an XML standard.

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[object Object]

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