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No. A polar molecule (such as water) has partial positive and negative charges at each end, but these partial charges balance out to zero overall, leaving the molecule as a whole neutral. This is due to electrons being shared unevenly be the atoms in the molecule.

A "charged molecule" would not be called a molecule. It would be called a polyatomic ion. A polyatomic ions has an overall net charge due to there being a different number of protons and electrons.

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no. they are stronger because nonpolar molecules have no charge.

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12y ago

That is false....two polar molecules have stronger attractions than two nonpolar molecules.

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Q: What is the difference in the strength of attractions between polar as nonpolar molecules?
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What is the difference between strength and strong?

there is no differences between strength and strong. Only that strong is a synonym of strength.

Does the chemical structure of a compound affect properties such as strength of attraction to other molecules?

true yes it can

What cell organelle is a very large fluid-filled sac used for strength and support?

A central vacuole is in a plant cell, it has a very large fluid-filled sac used for strength and support. The central vacuole also has toxic molecules and storage molecules.

What property of liquids is affected by the strength of the attraction between the molecules?

Viscosity --The resistance of a liquid to flow is called its viscosity

Why does water boil at a higher temperature than butane?

the Molecular Structure of Water (H₂O) is a polar molecule with a bent shape, consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Butane (C₄H₁₀), on the other hand, is a nonpolar molecule composed of four carbon atoms bonded to ten hydrogen atoms. The polar nature of water molecules allows them to form stronger intermolecular forces compared to the nonpolar butane molecules. Intermolecular Forces: Water molecules are held together by hydrogen bonds, which are relatively strong electrostatic attractions between the positively charged hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the negatively charged oxygen atom of another water molecule. These hydrogen bonds require more energy to break, resulting in a higher boiling point for water. Butane molecules are held together by weaker van der Waals forces, which are temporary dipole-dipole interactions between nonpolar molecules. As a result, butane boils at a lower temperature compared to water.

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Do benzene dissolve in CCl4?

Benzene is a nonpolar molecule as well as carbon tetrachloride, however water is a polar molecule. Based on the rules of solubility, "like dissolves like"; the attraction between nonpolar molecules have the same kind of interaction and strength but the attractions between the highly polar molecule of water are very different, therefore substituting these attractions for new attraction with benzene will require a greater change in enthalpy.

Are polar molecules stronger than non- polar molecules?

Yes. In polar bonds, electrons between atoms are shared unequally. The more electronegative atom has a high electron affinity, pulling the shared electron (and ajacent atom) closer to it, creating a shorter, stronger bond.

What is a type of a intermolecular force?

London forces, dipole attractions and hydrogen bonding are some of the examples for intermolecular attractions in the order of increasing strength.

What do number of protons and the strength of the attractions of electrons to the nucleus influence?

The properties of the atom

What do the number of protons and the strength of the attractions of electrons to the nucleus influence?

The properties of the atom

What intermolecular forces are present between to molecules NaCl and water?

There are no molecules of NaCl. NaCl is an "ionic" solid (The bonds have 70% ionic character.) It exists as a network of alternating Na and Cl atoms. When NaCl dissolves in water it ionizes, producing Na+ and Cl- ions, each surrounded by a sphere of water molecules due to the attraction between the charged ion and the polar water molecules.Intermolecular forces, collectively known as van der Waals's forces are attractions between discrete molecules. There are several types of van der Waals forces: London dispersion forces, Debye forces, Keesom forces, and hydrogen bonding. The various kinds of intermolecular forces have a bearing on properties like melting point, boiling point and surface tension to name three.London dispersion forces, which are present between all molecules, are the electrostatic attraction between temporary dipoles. A normally nonpolar molecule can become a temporary dipole due to electron fluctuations withing the molecule.The strength of London dispersion forces are sometimes (erroneously) attributed to variations on molecular weight. The connection between the strength of London dispersion forces and molecular weight is coincidental. The strength of London dispersion forces are a function of the polarizability of the molecule, which in turn, depends on the number of electrons and the surface area of the molecule. The greater the number of electrons, the greater the polarizability and the stronger the London dispersion forces.Dipole-dipole attraction (Keesom forces) exist between molecules which exhibit a permanent dipole moment, that is, molecules which are polar. The positive end of one molecule is electrostatically attracted to the negative end of an adjacent molecule.Debye forces exist between a polar molecule and a nonpolar molecule by inducing a dipole in the normally nonpolar molecule. As a polar molecule approaches a nonpolar molecule, the charged end of polar molecule induces the opposite charge in the nonpolar molecule by either attracting or repelling the electrons in the nonpolar molecule, thus causing electrostatic attractin between the polar and the nonpolar molecule.London dispersion forces and Keesom forces exist between like molecules, as well as unlike molecules. Debye forces only exist between unlike molecules. Of the three, Keesom forces are the strongest, followed by Debye forces and then London dispersion forces. That being said, London dispersion forces can be strong enough to hold large molecular weight alkanes together in the solid state.Hydrogen bonding is unique among molecular interactions due to the formation of a weak covalent bond between adjacent molecules. Hydrogen bonding occurs when hydrogen is internally bonded to N, O or F, and weakly covalently bonded to a N, O or F atom in an adjacent molecule. The hydrogen atom essentially bridges the two molecules. Hydrogen bonding is generally considered the strongest of the intermolecular interactions.

What is the attraction between water molecules and the molecules of solid surfaces called?

Adhesive forces is the attraction between a solid and liquid surface. The difference in strength is determined by the behavior of a liquid coming in contact with a solid.

Explain the rule like dissolves like more specific please. What is the contribution of the atom's structure?

The expression "like dissolves like" refers to polar molecules dissolving other polar molecules, and nonpolar molecules dissolving others with similar characteristics. To describe this process, electronegativity must be clarified: Electronegativity describes an atom's attractive strength to electrons; higher electronegativity means stronger electron pull towards it. Each atom needs 8 electrons to fulfill its outer valence shell, and so the closer it gets to that number the stronger is their attraction to electrons. Flourine would be the most electronegative, and Cesium would be the least. This attraction power dictates whether it has a positive and negative dipole (like magnets). Water is a polar solvent, and oxygen (an EN atom) creates a net dipole with hydrogen that will attract other dipole molecules. When multiple water molecules surround and are attracted to its neighbors, it is effectively dissolved. Now, oil spots and other nonpolar moles are clumped together because they don't have dipole forces. To summarize, electronegative atoms gives molecules polarized positive and negative charges, which turns them into polar molecules. It is attacted to other molecules with the same +/- charge, and repelling away all other nonpolar molecules.

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How does the strength of the bonds between the atoms of a hydrocarbons compare with the strength of the forces of attraction between its molecules?

The intramolecular bonds are stronger.

What is the difference between strength and strong?

there is no differences between strength and strong. Only that strong is a synonym of strength.

What is the difference absolute strength and relative strength?

Absolute strength measures strength regardless of your body size, while relative strength measures strength adjusted for your weight.