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Q: What is the difference of absorption and reflection of sound?
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What is the difference between Sound Reflection and Sound Refraction?

refraction is where the soubd waves bend, reflection is when sound waves bounce off of things and change direction.

What is difference between reflection and refraction of sound wave?

reflection - it bounces off a substance refraction - the course of movement is bent

What is the difference between reflection of the light and reaction?

reflection means the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.

How does absorption reflection and refraction change the movement of P waves?

Absorption, reflection and refraction will all change of the movement of P waves. Absorption will reduce the energy of the waves. Reflection will bounce the waves back. Refraction will change the angle of the waves based on what they are bouncing off of.

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What do chromatophores produce?

they can produce colors by the reflection after absorption of light.

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What is meant by the reflection of sound?

Reflection is the return of sound waves from surfaces on which they are incident.

What is the reflection of sound waves?

The reflection is vibration because sound is equal to vibration

How can you hear a reflection?

Sound can be reflected off things - a reflection of sound is called an "echo" and can be heard.

Is there any relationship between sound frequency and sound absorption?

Yes - the amount of absorption can depend on the frequency.

How does reflection and absorption play a role in our ability to see colors?

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