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square the first term, plus twice the product of the first and the secon, then square the second.

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Q: What is the difference of finding a special products and factoring?
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How do you tell if a polynomial cannot be factored?

Try all the factoring techniques that you have been taught. If none work then it is prime (cannot be factored), try looking for (1) a greatest common factor (2) special binomials ... difference of squares, difference (or sum) of cubes (3) trinomal factoring techniques (4) other polymonials look for grouping techniques.

What is the advantage of being able to recognize special products of binomials?

The advantage of recognizing some special binomials is that the math can then be done much more quickly. Some of the binomials appear very frequently.

What are the different types of special products?

In mathematics, special products are of the form:(a+b)(a-b) = a2 - b2 (Product of sum and difference of two terms) which can be used to quickly solve multiplicationsuch as:301 * 299 = (300 +1)(300-1) = 3002 - 12 = 90000 - 1 = 89999types1. Square of a binomial(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2carry the signs as you solve2. Square of a Trinomial(a+b+c)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + 2ab + 2ac + 2bccarry the sings as you solve3. Cube of a Binomial(a+b)^3 = a^3 + 3(a^2)b + 3a(b^2) + b^34. Product of sum and difference(a+b)(a-b) = a^2 - b^25. Product of a binomial and a special multinomial(a+b)(a^2 - ab + b^2) = a^3-b^3(a-b)(a^2 + ab + b^2) = a^3-b^3

What makes a product special?

In math, like algebra and calculus, a product is special when it is very common and worth knowing.Some examples area:(x + y) = ax + ay (Distibutive Law)(x + y)(x − y) = x2 − y2 (Difference of 2 squares)(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 (Square of a sum)(x − y)2 = x2 − 2xy + y2 (Square of a difference)

Is it true or false that a relation is a special type of function?

No. A relation is not a special type of function.

Related questions

How is special products and factoring important to architects?

Presumably so that they can come to an informed and calculated decision.

Application of special product and factoring?

Special product and factoring

what special features should the enterprices process to atrract factoring services?

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Why do we need to study the rules in finding special products?

Using the special products to actually multiply things is a convenient shortcut, but not absolutely essential. Those special products, however, become REALLY useful when you need to factor things. For example, if you see the difference of two squares, you can factor it quite quickly if you remember the corresponding rule.

What are the finding special products?

multiply the first factor to the first term of the second factor

How do you tell if a polynomial cannot be factored?

Try all the factoring techniques that you have been taught. If none work then it is prime (cannot be factored), try looking for (1) a greatest common factor (2) special binomials ... difference of squares, difference (or sum) of cubes (3) trinomal factoring techniques (4) other polymonials look for grouping techniques.

How do you factor completely x to the twenty-fourth power minus 1?

You start by using the difference of squares: x24 - 1 = (x12 + 1)(x12 - 1) The second term is again a difference of squares, so you can apply this special factoring once again.

What are the kind of special products?

The special products include: difference of the two same terms square of a binomial cube of a binomial square of a multinomial (a+b) (a^2-ab+b^2) (a-b) (a^2+ab+b^2)

Who invented special products as identities?

The concept of special products as identities in mathematics was not invented by a single individual. It is a fundamental principle in algebra that describes certain algebraic patterns or expressions that simplify into known equations or forms, such as the binomial theorem or the difference of squares.

When do you use special products in identifying algebraic expression?

look for the patterns that the special products have.

What is the meaning of special product?

Special product is the process of combining factors to form products.

Special products 1-9 of college algebra?

Square of BinomialsSquare of MultinomialsTwo Binomials with Like TermsSum and Difference of Two NumbersCube of BinomialsBinomial Theorem