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When you love someone, your love for them grows each day. you cant imagine a life without them. Every day you feel your heart has reached its largest point and the next day it grows yet again for this person. They become as much a part of you as you are, you love them. When you are in love with somebody, it would most likely be your spouse. You can show your appreciation for each other easily. You feel the same way you do when you love each other but it's more than that. You will spend the rest of your life together and they become a giant part of your life.

*Love is a powerful emotion and it has many levels within it. You can love your parents, love your children, love your siblings, love your friends... even love your enemies all with different levels of love. Loving someone and being in-love with them are two different types and levels of emotion. When you are in-love, you think of them constantly, enjoy their company whether you're talking or not, just being in the same room together is comfortable and pleasing, you appreciate and respect them and the differences between the two of you, you cannot imagine your life without them in it, every day you feel your heart could not possibly love them more until the next day when the love in your heart grows yet again for this person. Being in-love, is a strong passionate emotion powerful enough to prompt great changes in your life. It can also heighten your sexuality in that you want to be so completely wrapped up with this person you have an intense desire to show your love physically, unselfishly pleasing them completely before yourself because when you're pleasing them it gives you a heightened sense of pleasure within your soul. Love is ever changing, as life unfolds many different challenges for us to overcome. Being "in-love", over time, will increasingly change as the two of you grow together or apart. It can ripen into a full blown lifelong fulfilling commitment, if nurtured properly. However, even when nurtured properly, life still has a way of effecting the levels of love whether positively or negatively.

Knowing the difference between love, lust, and the love that will grow into a lifelong fulfilling existence can take days, months, even years before the truth exposes itself through life experiences, red flags, and "deal breakers". Above all, be honest with yourself, sensitive to your gut feelings so you can follow them instead of dismissing things away and end up in a lifelong discontented relationship.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Being in love is like a drug... "what can it do for ME?" LOVE is many things, not the least of which is kindness... "what can I do for YOU?" Being in love is about GETTING. LOVE is about GIVING.



Loving someone is the things you do. Being in love with someone is the great times and bad times you share together.

Being in Love is based on dependability, compassion, respect and compromise. If you don't share those important qualities with each other then its just infatuation and not LOVE.

Answer extended- by omario :-) :

OK from my point of view. Being in love with someone is like, wanting to spend the rest of your life with that person, wanting to have children with them, marriage, wanting to spend every undying moment moment with them, being on your mind more times than anything else if not, they at least dominate your mind at times when your alone or listening to slow songs or when you see another person you think is attractive, you think of your partner and smile as if it were them in front of you. ( not saying to approach that person lol). Being in love is magical, you feel on top of the world, they are the highlight of your day, they make you smile when your down, someone you feel you can rely on!! so much to say but that's what i think.

NOW loving someone is different, you want the best for them, you encourage them to do good things, you don't want to see them down upset or depressed. You are their shoulder to lean on, you genuinely want them to be in you life as it wouldn't be the same without them, you will do anything for them, you try your hardest not to disappoint them!!

Right now there is much more to say but that's my perception. All of the things i said for loving somebody is also included in being 'in love' but i deliberately left things out to give you a dramatic idea of the similarities and differences. I hope my perception gives you a better understanding of the difference between being in love and loving someone!! x omario.H x

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14y ago

Ok, when you love someone, you care deeply about them. For example: You love your mother, you love your best friend, you love your brother (even though he may be a jerk sometimes), you love your father.

When you are IN LOVE with someone, you also care deeply about them, but in a different way. Think of any romantic movie you've seen in which the two main characters who are head over heels for each other end up together. Those two are IN LOVE. Now, do not for one second try to live up to what happens in the movies, because life doesn't work that way. In real life, stuff happens. Movies are fantasy.

love is giving and hugging but in love is like want to marry someone thinking that person is the one

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15y ago

I'm not the smartest person or the best advise giver, but.. for me, being in love is totally different then just loving someone. When you're completely, truely, in love with know it. Being in love is that one rare feeling you don't feel with anyone else and even if you try to fight it you just can't feel that way about anyone else. It's the kind of love that makes you want so much of that one special person. It's when even through the worst of times with that person, you know things will be okay. It's being completely yourself, all the time and that unique smile just comes across their face because you know it doesn't matter how you act, there still going to be with you. There's even a different look and behavior in people that are in love as opposed to loving someone. You can love anyone really, or anything. You can love your parents, child, friends, or even your favorite old stuffed animal you had from when you were a baby. And it could be an unconditional love. But being in love, is where all kinds of love takes place the way I look at it. There's pain, pleasure, excitement, attraction, passion and it's that one person that everytime you're with them no matter what your doing, you've never felt more alive. Everyone, does, will, or have felt it. It's just a matter of time. I'm guessing with me being in love already..I can tell the difference. And there's no comparison in my eyes to love and being in love..that's for sure.

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15y ago

your kidding me?! you should definitally know when you in love... like butterflies every single time you see them, uhm no matter what they do you still love them, every time you kiss you get that feeling, where you swear you can fly, and every time you touch your heart beats slow, and you dont want to let them go... c'mon now. maybe you should listen to "every time we touch" by Cascada

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13y ago

loving someone is when you know that person very well and you share more than love with him/her.

being in love with someone/something can be something you ''just'' found out. it doesn't have a ''safe titel'' and it doesn't have to be feelings from both ways, you can be in love everyother day in somethingor someone.

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12y ago

you love your family and are in love with your spouce

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12y ago

love is giving and hugging but in love is like want to marry someone thinking that person is the one

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14y ago

the difference between the two is...

Love is for everyone: your friends, family, and pets

In love is more like: for that one and only person you feel should be with you forever

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i love u

What is different between i love you and love you?

question isnt appropriate. work on your grammar. in the case that you are asking, well there's no difference between those two sentences. you refer 'i love you' more when your are in love. 'love you' is an informal way of saying. we generally use it on friends.

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