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There are more fish in the sea in californa, then a chippy in Florida

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Q: What is the difference of marine life in California and Florida?
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What do you do in marine biologist?

You study aquatic life (marine animals). You also study marine habitats. Many marine biologists live in southern coastal states such as Florida.

Which states had prehistoric animals?

All states had prehistoric animals. The question is which states had which ones. For example, California and Florida were underwater during most of the Age of Reptiles, so they had no dinosaurs, but they still had marine creatures (although little is known of Florida's prehistoric life). In California, we do know that Shonisaurus, a 49 foot long icthyosaur, lived here, along with ammonites and many other aquatic animals.

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The marine is a biome but is called marine life. The marine life biome is also the largest biome out of all of them!

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Marine life encompasses a wide array of organisms, so there is no single scientific name that covers all marine life. However, the study of marine life is known as marine biology.

What is the difference between marine biology and aquatic biology?

The difference between marine biology and zoology is that in marine biology you help animals that live in the wild and they live in the water. The difference in zoology is that you help animals that have been captured and you are in the zoo.

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No marine life live on Antarctica: marine life lives in open water. However, marine birds and marine mammals do visit Antarctica's beaches to breed.

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Walt Disney never lived in Florida. He grew up in Illinois and Missouri and lived his entire adult life in California.

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Is there a job that deals with marine life and medicine?

Marine Biologists deal with marine life and Pharmacists deal with medicine. Some pharmacists are looking at marine life as a source of new medicines.

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How does thorium affects marine life?

Thorium doesn't affect the marine life.

Is protozoa a part of Marine life?

Yes , Protozoa are part of marine life .