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I am not an expert on that breed. I do know they (kk) are much smaller than a pig (hog). They are exotic in color. They are now one of the more popular pet pig breeds.

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Q: What is the difference with a kune kune pig and a normal pig?
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What kind of pig is on Dog the Bounty Hunter?

Kune Kune pig

Lifespan of kune kune pig?

The average kune kune pig lifespan is 15 to 20 years with some individuals getting older/

How long do kune kune pig live for?

12 to 15 years.

Would pig make good pets why or why not?

It would depend on your living. If you have a small garden, you'll have to get a small pig. a kune kune or tamworth pig might suit you. And teacup pigs have proved to be very popular. But its a big step getting a pig as a pet. They are very clever, and would try everything to escape from their pen. You might want to start with something smaller, like a rabbit, and see how it works.

What kind of food does the kune kune pig eat?

It eats fresh grass, fruit and vegetables, and likes a little bit of meat now and again. Never ever give pigs meat.l First of all its agaisnt the law to give them anything that has been anywere near meat and second it makes them crazy and sometimes even kills them

What is the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet?

the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet is that a micro pet is a really small animal such as a micro pig and a normal animal is a animal just like a normal person normal size normal wight and that is the difference between a normal animal and a micro animal.

How big do kune kune pigs get?

they get from90 to 120 pounds

When did Kune Biezeveld die?

Kune Biezeveld died in 2008.

When was Kune Biezeveld born?

Kune Biezeveld was born in 1948.

When was Tao of Jeet Kune Do created?

Tao of Jeet Kune Do was created in 1975.

What is the difference between a piglet and a pig?

A piglet is a baby pig. A pig is an adult pig.

Are guinea pig's smarter than normal pig's?
