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One's black and one's spotted....Derr

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Q: What is the differences between a black and spotted jaguar?
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Who is stronger - black jaguar or spotted jaguar or are they both same?

They are both the same!

What group of animals does a jaguar belong to?

The black or melanistic jaguar, is a Panthera Onca. Melanism allele is a dominant gene mutation which produces the black jaguar. This means that black jaguars may produce either black or spotted cubs, but a pair of spotted jaguars can only produce spotted cubs. If you have 2 melanistic parents, the skin will be more dense, darker than with one melanistic parent. Jaguars still have the markings which can be seen in good lighting. Spotted and black jaguars live in the same range.

Why is a jaguar's fur spotted?

Actually, jaguars and leopards are not 'spotted'. They are called 'rosettes', and the jaguar has a dot in the middle of its rosette, but a leopard does not. and a black panther, when seen in the sunlight, has rosettes too!! Did you know there is no such thing as black in nature? Only very very very very deep brown.

Are jaguars known for their black skin?

NO! They don't have black skin. Their skin is spotted.

Does a spotted leopard change into a black panther?

Black panthers are either a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard. It is a rare recessive genetic trait. A leopard is usually born spotted and cannot change to a black leopard and a black leopard cannot change to a spotted leopard. Genetics at fertilization determines the color.

What is the difference between a black jaguar and a regular jaguar?

colour difference just .don not worry

Who would win between a jaguar and a bear?

A full grown Jaguar could beat a Black bear, but would lose from a Grizzly.

Red and black spotted coy fish mean what?

they are red and black and spotted

What is the similarities differences between UK and Indian?

Similarities: Both the UK and India were former British colonies, have parliamentary systems of government, and share a common language in English. Differences: The UK is a developed country with a higher standard of living compared to India, which is a developing nation. The UK has a constitutional monarchy, while India is a federal parliamentary democratic republic. Cultural differences, economic disparities, and historical backgrounds also distinguish the two countries.

What is the Latin or genus word for black jaguar or panther?

The jaguar is panthera onca. There is no difference for a black jaguar.

If a leopard or a jaguar is black what is it often called?

A black leopard or jaguar is often called a panther.

Are black jaguars rare?

Since black jaguars are not a distinct species from the jaguar ( Panthera Onca), but a color phase, it cannot be classified as endangered on its own. Currently, the jaguar is not endangered, but listed as vulnerable.