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Q: What is the differences between a candle and a flashlight?
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What are the differences between a candle and a flashlight?

4 batteries

Why should you learn about flashlight?

If power goes out and you don't have a launtern or candle and you know where a flashlight is it is a good way to see things.

Other than a lamp what gives off light on Halloween?

Candle Jack-o-Lantern Flashlight Moon

What are two differences between a car battery and a flashlight battery?

there are lots more amps in a car battery eg there about 1.5 in a flash light and in a car battery there about 300 A car battery is a wet cell battery and a flashlight battery is a dry cell battery.

What was life like before the flashlight was invented?

Candle lighting in night or in dark. Chinese lantern is popular in eastern world.

What medium is disturbed when a light wave is emitted from a flashlight or a candle?

None. Electromagnetic wave do not need a medium to propagate through.

A man picks up a 20 pound can he puts something in it and it gets lighter what did he put in the can?

A candle, a flashlight, or helium? Hole

What is the differences between a physical and chemical change in a candle?

The physical change will keep the atoms the same not moving but the chemical change will make it move around with energy.

What is the approximate ampere of flashlight?

A flashlight typically uses between 1 and 3.5 amperes.

How are you going to see Through an egg?

use a candle stick or a flashlight and go in a dark room and hold the egg to the light source but not to close

What does a flashlight helps us do work by?

without flashlights it would be harder in the darkness and in a blackout, it's also much better to see than a candle.

When can you use a candle instead of a flashlight?

Its recommended to always use flashlights, and or battery operated lanterns. They are much safer. But if you really want to use a candle then do so however remember never to leave it unattended and Never leave it going when your asleep.