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Q: What is the differences between periodic table that Mendeleev and Moseley created?
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What did Moseley use to reorder the elements of Mendeleev periodic table?

Henry Moseley discovered a relation between X-ray spectra and the atomic number of chemical elements.

How does mendeleevs periodic table differ from moselys periodic table?

Mendeleev's Periodic Table was different from Moseley's in that Mendeleev arranged the elements inÊthe table according to atomic masses while Mosley's periodic table was arranged accordingÊto atomic numbers that were increasing.ÊÊThe modern periodic table used today is based on the Moseley model.

Who is credited with the creation of the first periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev and Julius Lothar Meyer independently published there versions of the Periodic Table between 1869 and 1870. Mendeleev's version would become the foundation of the table used today.

What did Henry Moseley change about the periodic table?

Henry Moseley discovered a relation between the atomic number and the X-ray wavelength of a given chemical element; this was a physical confirmation of the periodic table and the order of elements in the table.

By what property did Moseley suggest that the periodic tabe be arranged?

After atomic numbers Henry Moseley supported the arrangement of periodic table of Mendeleev after atomic numbers and properties by a strong physical conception: study of the lines of X-ray spectra of chemical elements. It is a true relation between atomic numbers of elements and the wavelenghts of the characteristic X-ray lines.

What is the difference between the periodic table and Mendeleev's table?

Mendeleev's table was arranged by atomic mass and the periodic table is arranged by protons (atomic number).

What are the relationships between the group number on the periodic table?

The periodic table of Mendeleev has 18 groups.

Describe two differences between Mendeleev's periodic table and the modern periodic table?

There are more elements and it's organized differently

What is americium closest element?

Americium is between plutonium and curium in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What are the differences between Mendeleev and modern periodic table?

Mendeleev invented the periodic table in 1869. In those days there were still elements missing, they had no idea of what electrons were or how they related to chemistry, or how the nucleus related to atomic weight.; but they're really the same charts.

How did mendeleev organize the periodic table?

He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.

What ways was Mendeleev's periodic table inaccurate compared to the modern periodic table?

Many more elements are known today then when Mendeleev laid out his table. In addition, he arranged his table by atomic mass and there are places in the periodic table where mass does not always increase. An example is between tellurium and iodine.