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Fluorescence is light energy produced by a process where high-energy radiation (such as ultraviolet or X-ray) is absorbed by electrons surrounding an atom and is re-emitted as light energy.

Phosphoresence is light energy produced by a particular type of chemical reaction where the excess chemical energy of the reactants is given off as light energy.

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What has the author Stephen G Schulman written?

Stephen G. Schulman has written: 'Fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopy' -- subject(s): Fluorescence spectroscopy, Phosphorescence spectroscopy 'Molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy'

Phosphorescence is similar to what other source of light?

Phosphorescence is similar to fluorescence in that both involve emission of light by materials after they have absorbed energy. The main difference is the time scale: fluorescence is immediate, while phosphorescence has a delay before light is emitted.

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Fritz Bandow has written: 'Lumineszenz' -- subject(s): Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Radiation

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Ralph S. Becker has written: 'Theory and interpretation of fluorescence and phosphorescence'

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The ability of a mineral or substance to glow during and after exposure to ultraviolet light is called fluorescence. If it continues to glow after the ultraviolet light has been turned off the effect is called phosphorescence.

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Felix Fritz has written: 'Leuchtfarben, geschichte, herstellung, eigenschaften und anwendung' -- subject(s): Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Technical Chemistry

What gemstones glow?

Some gemstones that exhibit fluorescence or phosphorescence can appear to glow under ultraviolet light. Some examples include diamonds, rubies, emeralds, opals, and sapphires. The fluorescence effect can vary depending on the specific gemstone and its unique chemical composition.

What is it called when substances give off light or another form of electromagntic radiation when they absorb energy?

It is called fluorescence or phosphorescence. This phenomenon occurs when a substance absorbs energy in the form of light or other electromagnetic radiation and then emits light at a different wavelength.

How is phosphorescence's helpful for mining eucryptite?

Phosphorescence can help in identifying eucryptite during mining because eucryptite exhibits a characteristic bright green fluorescence under ultraviolet light. This property allows miners and geologists to easily distinguish eucryptite from other minerals present in the ore, aiding in its extraction and separation.

When substance give off light or another form of electromagnetic radiartion when they absorb energy?

The substance is said to exhibit luminescence. This phenomenon occurs when the absorbed energy is released in the form of light or electromagnetic radiation as the atoms return to their normal state. Examples include fluorescence, phosphorescence, and bioluminescence.

What two kinds of luminescence can minerals produce?

Minerals can produce two types of luminescence: fluorescence and phosphorescence. Fluorescence occurs when a mineral emits visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light, while phosphorescence is the ability of a mineral to continue to glow after the activating light source has been removed.