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1. Fertilization - union of egg and sperm cell in the fallopian tube

2. Cleavage (cell division) - first days and weeks after conception (Formation of Viable Zygote); mitotic cell division begins, converting zygote to a multicellular organism.

3. Embryonic Development

a. Blastulation - embryo forms a hollow ball and 6-8 days after fertilization implants in the uterus (with over 100 cells)

b. Gastrulation - major cellular reorganization into 2-3 tissues

c. Neuralation - neural plate folds forming neural tube; 3 weeks old embryo; 2mm in size; develops muscles,vertebra, blood vessels and nervous system

d. Organogenesis - 1 month old (wk.4) embryo; ½ cm in size; forming body organs

e. Continued Morphogenesis - 2 months old embryo; shows miniature limbs as hands, arms, legs, or knees

4. Fetal Development

a. End of the First Trimester - three months old fetus has completed body organs; critical stage

b. Second Trimester (4th-6th month) - heart beat detected; fine body hair develop; fetal movements

c. Third Trimester (7th-9th Month) - period of fetal growth; fetus kicks, stretches and moves freely within the amniotic cavity.

5. Child Birth (Parturition) - process by which fetus; placenta and fetal membranes are expelled from the mother's reproductive tract

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