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Down feathers keep them warm Counter feathers help them fly

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Q: What is the differents' between down feathers and counter feathers?
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Related questions

What is the difference between white duck and white down comforter?

Duck feathers are heavier and less expensive. Down feathers are lighter, warmer, and more expensive.

What is the difference between timer and counter?

A counter counts up, a timer couts down.

What is duck fluff?

Small, white, down feathers that grow in between flight and contour feathers. They provide insulation for the animals.

What are the differences between a down coat and a regular coat?

The main difference between a down coat and a regular coat is the material that the coat is filled with. A down coat is filled with feathers, the soft down of a goose or duck. Regular coats are filled with a synthetic material that is meant to mimic the down feathers of bird fowls.

What are the two types of feathers?

Countour feathers and down feathers

What are very soft bird feathers called?

Down feathers.

What feathers are located underneath contour feathers?

Contour feathers are on the wings and tail.

What part of a duck doesn't get wet when it goes for a swim?

The down feathers (or the soft feathers underneath the outside feathers).

Ostriches cannot fly would you expect them to have more down feathers or contour feathers why?

Ostriches have down feathers. Because they can not fly they have no need for contour feathers...

State four differences between contour and down feather?

In between contour feathers is a patch of bare skin called the apteria. Down feathers develop in the apteria preserving air trapped under the contour wings. Downy feathers are shaped of a incredibly unfastened structure that is flexible and helps trap air close to the bird.

What feathers are under the countour feathers?

The inner layer of duck feathers are known as down feathers. Their primary function is insulation. The outer feather layers aid in waterproofing and aerodynamics.

What is another name for Fluff Feathers?

Down feathers.